How to Make Pomander Wedding Silk Flowers
- 1). Cut a piece of floral wire 4 inches long. Bend the wire into a U-shape and add glue to the ends. Insert the wire into the 6-inch foam ball about 1 1/2 inches half deep and add another few drops of glue where the wire enters the ball. This will help to secure the wire when the pomander ball is hung up by the loop.
- 2). Cut the stems of your silk flowers to about 4 inches long using a wire cutter. Insert the first flower's stem into the ball as far as it can go. Place all the flowers in the ball, bunching them as close together as possible to give the pomander a full look. Continue until none of the foam ball is visible beneath the flowers. If the flower stems collide with each other, the stems can be shortened and inserted into the ball along with a dab of glue; this will ensure that the shorter stems do not slip out.
- 3). Spread out the petals of the silk flowers so that they take up more space on the ball and give the pomander a fuller look. Slip in flowers with wider petals, such as daisies or sunflowers, to fill in empty spaces.
- 4). String a piece of ribbon through the wire loop that you made in Step 1. Tie the ribbon in a bow or a simple knot and use it to hang up the pomander wherever you would like.