How to Skip Letters When Typing
- 1). Skip the "g" on words that end in "ing." For example, you would type "walkin" instead of "walking."
- 2). Skip extra letters in words that can be represented by one or two letters. For instance, type "b" instead of "be," "r" instead of "are" and "ur" instead of "your."
- 3). Omit letters that can be replaced by a number. For example, type "gr8" instead of "great," "4got" instead of "forgot," "2day" instead of "today" and "no1" instead of "no one."
- 4). Skip letters of words that can be represented with a well-recognized acronym. Commonly used informal acronyms include "brb" (be right back), "lol" (laugh out loud), "fyi" (for your information), "btw" (by the way), "idk" (I don't know), "idc" (I don't care), "bf" (best friend) and "thx" (thanks).
- 5). Leave out letters for which you can substitute a shorter phonetic spelling. For example, type "luv" instead of "love," "sum" instead of "some" and "tym" instead of "time."