Comparing Travel Insurance To Get The Best Deal
And now all you have to start unsubscribing from the email quotes you didn't ask for.
The way that most of these comparison sites make their money is through selling referrals. When you complete the online forms you are not just giving the comparison site the details they need to find you the best quote. What you are actually doing is giving the site everything they need to sell your details on.
It may not be too bad having to unsubscribe from emails, but do you want travel insurance companies texting you and phoning your mobile at work?
Not every comparison site is the same, many of the smaller ones do not have these contracts in place. So now you are trading off against a comparison of less companies against wider choice but having your details sold on. What is the best option? I think it is using the smaller comparison sites, but let them know that what you appreciate is not being sold to the highest bidder or to all comers.
As this new generation of personal data aware providers build their following they will attract more insurance companies to their comparison tables.
Protecting yourself from data abuse is not that difficult.
1. Check the website you are using has a privacy policy and that they are registered as a Data Controller. Registered data controllers, registered with the Data Protection Agency, will have a registration number that they should publish.
2. What out for tick boxes to opt out of commercial emails. You must tick these every time. If you miss this just once, that is the one they will keep on file to prove that you agreed to receive email/text/telephone sales.
3. Not every piece of information they ask for is a 'required' piece of information. If it is optional then don't give it out. Why should your mobile phone number effect your travel insurance quote?
4. Use companies or sites you have used before and were not abused by. If you already know a site that is not collected excessive personal data then reward that behaviour.
This all sounds pretty abusive or even scary, it is not meant to sound that way. There is no reason why we have to put up with our personal data being sold this way and there are plenty of comparison websites now that do not collect or sell your data. We need to support these sites and change the industry forever.