How to Clean Stains Off a Cupcake Pan
- 1). Soak the pan in a sink full of warm water and enough liquid dish detergent to create suds. Let the pan soak for 10 to 15 minutes to allow the soap a chance to break up the fat molecules, helping to release the stains.
- 2). Scrub the surface of the stains with a nylon scrub brush. Avoid using metal scouring pads, which can scratch.
- 3). Rinse the pan with clean water.
- 4). Sprinkle the surface of the pan with enough baking soda to cover the stain. Rub it in with the nylon scrub brush, using a circular motion. The baking soda creates a paste, which helps scrub away the stains.
- 5). Rinse the pan under running water.
- 1). Spray the surface of the pan with cold oven cleaning spay.
- 2). Leave the cleaner on the pan for 10 to 15 minutes.
- 3). Scrub the surface of the pan with a nylon scrub brush, using a circular motion.
- 4). Rinse the pan to check the stain. Repeat the oven cleaner application, if necessary.
- 5). Clean the pan well, using liquid dish detergent and warm water.
- 1). Preheat the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.
- 2). Fill a baking dish with 1 cup of water. Choose a baking dish larger than the cupcake pan. Add 1/2 cup of household bleach to the dish. Stir in 2 tablespoons of baking powder until the powder dissolves.
- 3). Place the cupcake pan facedown inside the baking dish.
- 4). Place the baking dish and cupcake pan in the oven. Bring the liquid to a boil and let the pan soak in the boiling mixture for 10 minutes.
- 5). Remove the dish and pan from the oven and let them cool. Wash the pan under running water, using a nylon scrub brush, if necessary, to break up the last of the stain.
Baking Soda
Oven Cleaner