How to Cut a Hole for a Toilet Flange
- 1). Measure the position of the center of the flange from the back and side walls and make a mark with a pencil. The distance will vary according to the size of the toilet and the local code requirements, but is typically about 12 inches from the surfaces of the walls.
- 2). Place the flange pipe on the floor and center it over the mark. Draw the outline with a pencil, making sure it doesn't intersect any of the floor joists.
- 3). Put a 3/4-inch drill bit into a power drill and place the tip of the bit about 1/4 inch inside the line. Drill through the subfloor. The hole should just touch the pencil mark.
- 4). Fit a reciprocating saw with a 6- to 12-inch wood-cutting blade and insert the blade all the way into the hole until the base of the saw makes contact with the floor.
- 5). Saw around the outline, keeping the saw vertical as you cut. If you angle the saw, the blade may cut through a floor joist. When the saw returns to its starting point, pull the cut-out out of the hole.