Meditation For Optimal Health
Meditation has become popular because it promotes optimal health, gives the body a profound rest, dissipates stress, sifts through your mind traffic, helps you to think ahead and keeps you organised.
Meditation looks after your body: Every cell in your body has a certain vibrational frequency for good health and vitality.
Fear, anger, hostility, etc can cause the vibrational energy in your body to alter - to move toward disharmony or dis-ease.
Meditation helps you to return to the vibrational frequencies of harmony and health.
The daily practice of meditation will move you away from the harsher emotions of hate, bitterness, spite, and frustration and towards the more gentler emotions of love, compassion, and kindness.
Meditation can help you to unravel problems and find solutions by accessing your creative and/or intuitive self.
Meditation can bring you a new level of living and a new experience of your own power; meditation can awaken a series of unexpected abilities to bring happiness and well-being into your life.
The continual practice of meditation on a daily basis will bring peace and tranquillity into your life.
When you are at peace with yourself and those around you then the world is a much happier place for everyone and goodwill towards all people becomes the logical result.
When you reach a deep level of meditation you will begin to experience a deep calm, extraordinary personal power.
It is a feeling of absolute peace, feeling centred, focused and clear with an ever deepening expression of strengthening self-love.
The experience of meditation varies with each person depending on their beliefs and attitudes.
It must be remembered that if you were brought up in a happy environment that it will be easier for you to enter into a meditative state, but if you were brought up in a fearful environment it may take you longer, people who are fearful / critical are often cautious and therefore are not as willing to let go deeply.
To meditate deeply you must let go of the need to analyse and question your experiences in meditation.
If you analyse your meditation moment to moment, you will not drop into a deep meditative state.
It is imperative that you let go of your need to control the process of meditation.
Meditation should be fun and effortless, look forward to your meditations as you would look forward to meeting an old friend.
Let go of the need to control your meditation and allow yourself to just experience it moment to moment.
Meditation begins by seeking refuge from stress and tension and ends with feelings of renewed strength, confidence and tranquillity.
There are many forms of meditation, this is perhaps the simplest one for the novice.
Breath Meditation Breath meditation is a very simple meditation that you can practice almost anywhere.
Sit down in a comfortable position in your favourite armchair.
Close your eyes and roll your shoulders backwards to open up your chest cavity.
As you breathe in, imagine that you are breathing all the way down to just below your navel.
As you breathe, your abdomen will start to expand and contract.
If you find that your shoulders are rising and falling, put your hands on your navel and push your abdomen out and in with each breath, to get you into the habit of breathing deeply into your lungs.
You may like to imagine, as you breathe in, an arrow pointing downwards until it reaches below your navel, and then turning around for its return journey, as you breathe out.
Practice this breathing for twenty minutes a day to develop your meditation skills.
Use the first ten minutes to write down your mind traffic and the second ten minutes to focus on your breathing and having a quiet mind.
To release your mind traffic, have a pen and paper beside you and when a thought comes into your mind, write it down on the paper.
If you need something to focus on, you can use the word calm or relax or let go on your outgoing breath.
To finish your meditation, imagine that you are awakening from a wonderful sleep.
Wriggle your toes, stretch, open your eyes and then return to your usual activities.
Meditation looks after your body: Every cell in your body has a certain vibrational frequency for good health and vitality.
Fear, anger, hostility, etc can cause the vibrational energy in your body to alter - to move toward disharmony or dis-ease.
Meditation helps you to return to the vibrational frequencies of harmony and health.
The daily practice of meditation will move you away from the harsher emotions of hate, bitterness, spite, and frustration and towards the more gentler emotions of love, compassion, and kindness.
Meditation can help you to unravel problems and find solutions by accessing your creative and/or intuitive self.
Meditation can bring you a new level of living and a new experience of your own power; meditation can awaken a series of unexpected abilities to bring happiness and well-being into your life.
The continual practice of meditation on a daily basis will bring peace and tranquillity into your life.
When you are at peace with yourself and those around you then the world is a much happier place for everyone and goodwill towards all people becomes the logical result.
When you reach a deep level of meditation you will begin to experience a deep calm, extraordinary personal power.
It is a feeling of absolute peace, feeling centred, focused and clear with an ever deepening expression of strengthening self-love.
The experience of meditation varies with each person depending on their beliefs and attitudes.
It must be remembered that if you were brought up in a happy environment that it will be easier for you to enter into a meditative state, but if you were brought up in a fearful environment it may take you longer, people who are fearful / critical are often cautious and therefore are not as willing to let go deeply.
To meditate deeply you must let go of the need to analyse and question your experiences in meditation.
If you analyse your meditation moment to moment, you will not drop into a deep meditative state.
It is imperative that you let go of your need to control the process of meditation.
Meditation should be fun and effortless, look forward to your meditations as you would look forward to meeting an old friend.
Let go of the need to control your meditation and allow yourself to just experience it moment to moment.
Meditation begins by seeking refuge from stress and tension and ends with feelings of renewed strength, confidence and tranquillity.
There are many forms of meditation, this is perhaps the simplest one for the novice.
Breath Meditation Breath meditation is a very simple meditation that you can practice almost anywhere.
Sit down in a comfortable position in your favourite armchair.
Close your eyes and roll your shoulders backwards to open up your chest cavity.
As you breathe in, imagine that you are breathing all the way down to just below your navel.
As you breathe, your abdomen will start to expand and contract.
If you find that your shoulders are rising and falling, put your hands on your navel and push your abdomen out and in with each breath, to get you into the habit of breathing deeply into your lungs.
You may like to imagine, as you breathe in, an arrow pointing downwards until it reaches below your navel, and then turning around for its return journey, as you breathe out.
Practice this breathing for twenty minutes a day to develop your meditation skills.
Use the first ten minutes to write down your mind traffic and the second ten minutes to focus on your breathing and having a quiet mind.
To release your mind traffic, have a pen and paper beside you and when a thought comes into your mind, write it down on the paper.
If you need something to focus on, you can use the word calm or relax or let go on your outgoing breath.
To finish your meditation, imagine that you are awakening from a wonderful sleep.
Wriggle your toes, stretch, open your eyes and then return to your usual activities.