Army Tanks 3: Adventure Role-Playing Game in 2011
Selection of thoughtful quality tank games for computer and console players have been very small.
This article introduces you to the first ever role playing video game which main theme is all about tanks.
Visioning and developing of the Army Tanks PC series has lead to a new Army Tanks 3 RPG released in 4.
Storyline of the game is about super tanks created to control the world resources.
These tanks were inserted with a special chip so that they can evolve and adapt new weapons, camouflages and other upgradable properties easily.
In the game North Korea uses industrial espionage against Japanese to find out the blueprints of these superior tanks.
Being successful DPRK builds a cloned Army Tank but fails after the A.
T chip restores the original data to defend the world and control the overuse of natural resources.
The cloned tank destroys the factory and searches for safety.
Finally it hides into Finland with zero charge left in its fuel cells.
100 years later a super war launches and during the enormous explosions the player's character a friendly youngster accidentally finds the same tank buried in the soil.
The adventure begins as you control the tank against 9 conflicted countries and bend them into the peace with modern muscle.
Receive all the 9 medals from real world countries to fulfill your quest to stop the world from destruction.
This single-player modern tank combat simulator has fantastic elements such as large open world based on the real life, day to nighttime cycles which enable the use of night vision, saving system, many different characters, ability to collect money and use it to evolve, reload or repair the tank, use of hospitals, mouse controlled targeting, 8 languages: English, Finnish, German, Russian, Polish, Chinese, Japanese and Vietnamese, a lot of real special weapons such as electromagnetic pulse and bioweapon.
The game's world is based on real life: climate, trees and animals change in different geographical zones, 3D-like bird's-eye view, interacting mechanics and sounds also liven up the game.
Easy and fast gameplay with smooth user friendly graphics offer great entertainment not just for tank enthusiasts but for adventure RPG lovers.
Family friendly and non-violent interface is suitable even for younger players and will give them a fascinating journey into action games.
Load and save system helps players to store their current status and take brakes during the game.
This in year 2011 released Army Tanks 3 game has been developed as a series since 1997 and has constantly been collecting experiences since Army Tanks One to become the greatest tank game and the first high quality choice to rely for its knowledge, longevity and stability.
Join the steady Army Tanks series and enjoy the new refreshing action military tank simulation with RPG elements of Army Tanks 3.
This article introduces you to the first ever role playing video game which main theme is all about tanks.
Visioning and developing of the Army Tanks PC series has lead to a new Army Tanks 3 RPG released in 4.
Storyline of the game is about super tanks created to control the world resources.
These tanks were inserted with a special chip so that they can evolve and adapt new weapons, camouflages and other upgradable properties easily.
In the game North Korea uses industrial espionage against Japanese to find out the blueprints of these superior tanks.
Being successful DPRK builds a cloned Army Tank but fails after the A.
T chip restores the original data to defend the world and control the overuse of natural resources.
The cloned tank destroys the factory and searches for safety.
Finally it hides into Finland with zero charge left in its fuel cells.
100 years later a super war launches and during the enormous explosions the player's character a friendly youngster accidentally finds the same tank buried in the soil.
The adventure begins as you control the tank against 9 conflicted countries and bend them into the peace with modern muscle.
Receive all the 9 medals from real world countries to fulfill your quest to stop the world from destruction.
This single-player modern tank combat simulator has fantastic elements such as large open world based on the real life, day to nighttime cycles which enable the use of night vision, saving system, many different characters, ability to collect money and use it to evolve, reload or repair the tank, use of hospitals, mouse controlled targeting, 8 languages: English, Finnish, German, Russian, Polish, Chinese, Japanese and Vietnamese, a lot of real special weapons such as electromagnetic pulse and bioweapon.
The game's world is based on real life: climate, trees and animals change in different geographical zones, 3D-like bird's-eye view, interacting mechanics and sounds also liven up the game.
Easy and fast gameplay with smooth user friendly graphics offer great entertainment not just for tank enthusiasts but for adventure RPG lovers.
Family friendly and non-violent interface is suitable even for younger players and will give them a fascinating journey into action games.
Load and save system helps players to store their current status and take brakes during the game.
This in year 2011 released Army Tanks 3 game has been developed as a series since 1997 and has constantly been collecting experiences since Army Tanks One to become the greatest tank game and the first high quality choice to rely for its knowledge, longevity and stability.
Join the steady Army Tanks series and enjoy the new refreshing action military tank simulation with RPG elements of Army Tanks 3.