5 Health Myths Dissected

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A Quick Preamble: When it comes to health, there are so many 'ideas', 'schools-of-thought' and outright 'myths' being bandied about, while at the same time so many of these same 'ideas', 'schools-of-thought' and 'myths' are constantly being revised, re-thought or totally debunked as our society changes its needs or scientific means of investigation...
or as things are actually "proven" rather than treated as just a theory...
still, for the most part, confusion reigns..
! Let's help clear the air a little and sort out the truth of a few myths right now...
Cutting To The Chase: Myth No.
You Must Rely Totally on Big-Pharma Medication
  • Good nutrition and anti-oxidant rich, wholesome, natural foods will aid sickness prevention as well as fix the cause of the ailment...
    prescription drugs alleviate the symptoms whilst often hiding them and their root cause.
  • Radiation and Chemotherapy are medications that more often than not, worsen the condition of a sick person...
    why is this continued as a viable treatment..
  • There is a continuous stream of proven cases of people who have cured their own sicknesses, including cancers, by their own natural means.
  • Positive thinking, diet adjustments and alternative/natural medication (of which there are numerous types) has always played a huge role in curing the sick...
    our society has spent many years forgetting the natural cures and medications we once used.
  • You CAN control your own health...
  • There are medical "issues" that have only come to the fore in recent years...
    strange how people were not needing medication for these ailments just a few years ago.
    In fact, there are medical conditions around now that were simply unheard of in my grandfathers day.
  • Something else to ponder...
    think "Cholesterol"...
    why is there a sudden massive cholesterol drug industry when it has never actually been proved that anyone has actually died as a result of too much of the "supposed" wrong type of cholesterol..
Myth No.
Normal Sugar is Not as Bad as Corn Syrup
  • The highly refined sugar that is the staple of many people and is included in many of our foods and beverages on our supermarket shelves today is just plain poisonous - it is BAD FOR YOU...
    full stop..
  • As far as we're concerned here at Natural Health Sniper, high fructose corn syrup is just another poison equally as dangerous as refined sugar - taken in the amounts that seem normal to most people these days.
  • Pure, unadulterated sugar in its' raw form isn't such a serious problem, in fact a little sugar is one of those "essential" nutrients the body needs...
    there are schools of thought that will advise a certain minimum daily limit for men and women separately...
    I say we're all human, and a little of what you like now and again, will never kill you, but just be aware of what you may be doing to your health if you go too far..
  • FACT: more people are dying now of heart disease and cancers than ever...
    this is in a so-called health conscious society where we are now consuming government controlled "light" or "sugar-free" food and beverages, or "fat-free" foods and beverages...
  • Be scared...
    be very, very scared and just think about it a little...
    what exactly is now in our foods instead of genuine sugar or real animal fat..
Myth No.
Raw Foods Are Better
  • Well, it's a fact that (good, organic) raw foods retain all their nutrients, whilst
  • cooked foods do not...
    however, that's negated somewhat by the fact that our bodies produce certain enzymes etc.
    that assist with the breakdown and obtaining of the relevant nutrients from cooked food that our bodies need.
  • A vegan diet has been proved to lower the risk of colonic cancer...
    however there is also no real evidence that this type of diet is better than any other, in fact there is evidence that this type of diet can be cause for its' own unique negative health issues i.
    bone and joint weakness and vitamin B12 deficiency...
    to name but a few.
  • The bottom line is, we're all different and we all have different tolerance levels...
    we evolved to eat meat...
    just a thought...
    use-it, don't-use-it...
  • In essence, a good balance of raw and cooked organic foods that are chemical and sugar free, is the way to go.
Myth No.
Fat Makes You Fat
  • Absolutely and totally untrue...
    and don't forget it...
  • Fats are many in number and are not all created equal...
    you have the Saturated type found in animal foods i.
    meat and dairy products, and the Unsaturated type I.
    e those types found in plants and fish.
  • A diet too heavily loaded with saturated fats paves the way for an increased risk of heart disease...
    again, a healthy balance is the most beneficial.
  • There's nothing wrong with a good steak from a grass-fed source so long as a regular decent omega 3 rich fish-dish is thrown into the mix...
    along with a portion of nutrient and vitamin-rich veg' of course..
Myth No.
If I've Just Passed a Physical, I'm 100% Fit And Healthy
  • I don't want to be a "gloom-and-doom" merchant here, but this is one to be particularly wary of.
  • You've all probably heard of it at some point or another - a guy (or gal) has the routine yearly check-up, or even a full medical for a new job offer...
    and wallop...
    they're gone...
    I've personally seen this on a number of occasions and it's always a shock..
  • Many people throughout the world have suffered a sudden cardiac arrest even though they have had zero history of major illness of any type.
  • Those "free radicals" are bombarding our bodies by the hundreds of thousands each day of our lives...
    our immune system is what protects us and kicks those little critters into touch...
    things can change pretty damned quickly if we're not taking the best care of ourselves that we can.
  • All those antioxidants that we hear so much about are a must for own protection - drink that green tea, eat those organic greens and do that all-important daily exercise.
A Final Anecdote: While it's true that life has a way of throwing the odd curve-ball at us, which is usually easily fixable, it's no secret that we can often be the perpetrators of our own undoing by not living a healthy and positive life...
by not doing as much as we possibly can to ensure we live a healthy, fruitful and long life...
a combination of the right exercise, the right food and the right mindset is crucial for our natural health.
Develop healthy habits that you are comfortable with - they're easy once you get in the swing of it all - and you and your family will never regret it.
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