Penis Size and Self Esteem

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Market reports suggest that every year hundreds and thousands of individuals out there seek psychological help regarding their penis size.
If you have a below average sized penis, it is natural to have feelings of anxiety and insecurity.
The average sized penis is about 6 inches in length and about 4.
9 inches in girth.
But, the average is just that, an average.
This will mean that there are going to be millions of men who are both above average as well as below average.
If you are in the below average category, you should try to stop constantly worrying about your penis size.
First of all, penis length is not all that important to sex or when it comes to pleasuring a woman.
What really gives pleasure to a woman is the girth of the penis.
So, if you have a penis that is only 5 inches long but greater than 5 inches in girth, you will actually be doing a better job of pleasuring your woman than an average length penis.
You can measure your penis girth by using a tape measure to measure around the middle of the penis.
Don't measure the width of the penis head as it will not be an accurate measurement.
There are ways to increase both penis length and penis girth if you really want to solve your anxiety issues with penis enlargement.
Some people are so desperate to increase penis size that they order expensive penis pills being sold in the market.
You can be assured that 99% of the penis pills being sold in the market today will not increase the size of your penis.
They might give you better erections although it will be very temporary, lasting just about a couple of hours or so.
Penis pills also have various side effects and people who start using penis pills might not be able to sexually perform without taking a penis pill regularly.
So, unless you plan on stocking up penis pills for the rest of your life, enlargement pills are just not the option.
If you really want to increase penis size, you will have to be patient and put some work into it.
The only way to really permanently increase penis size is to perform regular penis exercises on the penis.
These exercises will usually take up about 10 minutes of your day and will need to be done for about 8 weeks or so.
It is not uncommon to see people experience about 2 inches in length gain and about an inch in girth gain.
Good penis exercise programs will also give out targeted exercises with which one can try to increase only girth or length according to their needs.
The most important aspect that has made enlargement exercises so popular is that they result in permanent gains that one can keep for the rest of their life.
Moreover, since the exercises are natural, one doesn't have to worry about nasty side effects.
So, 10 minutes of daily exercises for the next 8 weeks or about a total of 4 hours of exercising over the next couple of months could give you that much needed gain in penis size that will help you overcome your insecurities and anxiety that is related to penis size.
So, those who are sick of their penis size won't have to live with it for the rest of their lives.
Natural penis exercises are the solution over here.
It's all about trying it all and the best way to start is to start.
As a matter of fact, some individuals really enjoy the penis enlargement exercises.
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