Escort Passport 9500ix - How To Save Heaps Of Money On A Well Equipped, High Quality Radar Detector
While the 9500ix is definitely not the cheapest unit out there, it really is a case of you get what you pay for.
As a result, it is beneficial to get the lowest price available so when it does start saving you from speeding tickets, you can cover your costs in the shortest time possible.
Keep on reading below where I outline the awesome features of the Escort model and also let you know where you can get it at a very cheap price.
In a world where the technology to detect speeding vehicles is increasing at a rapid rate, it makes sense to fight fire with fire and own a radar detection unit that can handle everything that is thrown at it.
This radar detector has Auto Learn functionality that remembers false alarms and discards them, saving you the hassle of worrying about a radar that isn't there.
It also comes with an extremely large built-in database of red light cameras, speed cameras and other common speed traps that are scattered all throughout North America.
Of course, more and more such speed traps are being added every day in the US, which is why Escort update the database for you for the first 3 months at no extra charge.
The truth of the matter is that the Escort Passport 9500ix is absolutely going to save you money at some point in the future.
How fast you can recoup your costs will be down to how much driving you do and whether you drive through heavily policed areas.
However, there is still the issue of the up front investment.