Homeopathic Treatment for Weight Loss in Dogs
- Alfalfa is a sprawling member of the pea family with tightly arranged blue or occasionally pink and white flowers. Its properties are nutritive, anti-inflammatory, and diuretic, meaning it stimulates urination. Alfalfa contains a broad spectrum of nutrients, including large quantities of protein (up to 50 percent by weight), trace minerals, dietary fiber, and vitamins. Alfalfa helps dogs absorb fat-soluble nutrients in the small intestine and is gentle on the stomach and intestines. In this capacity, alfalfa is especially useful in animals with debilitating diseases that need to gain weight, but cannot afford to add stress upon the compromised body.
- Bring one cup of water to a boil, then pour over one rounded teaspoon of dried alfalfa. Cover and steep for 15 minutes. Strain liquid through a cheesecloth or sieve. Give 1/2 teaspoon for dogs under 30 pounds; 1 teaspoon for dogs 30 to 60 pounds; and 1 tablespoon for dogs 60 pounds and over once daily.
- Give calcarea phosphorica (calcium phosphate) 6C to dogs that lose weight and are unable to digest or utilize nutrients in their food in spite of a well-balanced diet and hearty appetite. Follow this schedule:
Restrict food for five minutes before and five minutes after giving the remedy. Give one pellet of calcium phosphate 6C once every day for seven to 10 days. If no improvement is observed, wait 24 hours before moving on to treatment plan B. - Give one pellet of calcium phosphate 6C every 12 hours. If no improvement is observed, wait 24 hours before moving on to treatment plan C.
- Give one pellet of calcium phosphate 6C three times daily -- morning, midday, and evening before bed. If no improvement is observed, contact your local holistic veterinarian for additional treatment options.
Herbal Remedy to Increase Weight
Using Alfalfa
Calcium Phosphorica Homeopathic Treatment Plan A
Calcium Phosphorica Homeopathic Treatment Plan B
Calcium Phosphorica Homeopathic Treatment Plan C