Wedding Etiquette in the U.K.
- Before heading to the ceremony, the chief bridesmaid arranges the bride's dress, veil and train. Before the ceremony commences, the chief bridesmaid makes sure that the flower girls and other bridesmaids understand their roles. During the ceremony, she stands beside the bride to take her bouquet and lift her veil. The chief bridesmaid does not make a speech at the reception. Along with the best man, she introduces people to each other and engages in conversation. If the bride is changing her dress at the reception, the chief bridesmaid will help her get dressed.
- The groom's best man is responsible for the rings at the ceremony. He makes sure the groom arrives on time and that the ushers and page boys understand their role. The best man escorts the chief bridesmaid down the aisle. During the reception, he makes a speech and makes toasts. If the bride and groom are leaving for their honeymoon directly from the reception, the best man arranges for a place where they can change. He also makes sure the couple's luggage is ready to go.
- The men in the wedding party wear flowers through their buttonholes. The bridesmaids hold bouquets which are smaller and less detailed that the bride's bouquet. The mothers of the bride and groom wear a corsage. A large flower arrangement is displayed on the head table with the bride and groom, and smaller arrangements are on each guest table at the reception. The groom or groom's family is expected to pay for the ceremony flowers while the bride or bride's family pays for the reception flowers.
- Guests of the wedding have by far the simplest etiquette guidelines to follow. Purchase a gift for the couple from their registry and make sure to arrive at the wedding venue on time. During the ceremony, keep children in control and as quiet as possible. If children are misbehaving, it's best to remove them from the venue. During speeches at the reception, stay quiet and don't heckle the speaker. During the reception, thank the newlyweds and their parents for being invited.
- The reception will begin with a line-up where the wedding party will greet each guest. Following the reception is an informal evening party with a buffet and music. The groom or groom's family is expected to pay for the church and venue, groomsmen attire and gifts, and transport to and from the venues. The bride or bride's family is expected to pay for the reception, press announcements, stationery, bridesmaid's attire, bride's transport to the venue and the wedding cake.
Maid of Honor/Chief Bridesmaid
Best Man
Guest Etiquette
Additional Points