The Many Cell Phone Utility Services
The cell phone, also known as the mobile phone, is a portable device for communication.
A wide network of stations called cell base stations are instrumental in providing the routing of the calls to its destination.
Cell phones are small in size and very handy.
Equipped with various facilities, it is available to people of all classes.
The affordable price range and the easy application make it a pleasure to use.
Besides communication, they also have various other services programmed in them.
They have SMS services, camera, blue tooth, MMS, video, voice recorder, internet services and others.
The process of cell phone communication is rather simple.
Connected to several base stations, the cell phone can receive and transmit waves through antennas.
Installed atop tall buildings, tower or a pole, in populated areas they are further linked to a network of cabled connections.
From the base stations connected to the network, the signals reach the cell phones and the call is received.
The reception and transmission is usually within 8 to 13 kms.
Each cell phone has a SIM card.
The identity of this card is translated numerically.
Every SIM card has its own numbers so that is easily identified.
There are various handset manufacturers throughout the world.
The leading name among them is Nokia, Samsung, Motorola, Sony, Sony Ericsson, and LG.
There are various features of the mobile phone.
Even the simplest of them has the most necessary of services, like the messaging facility, calculators, calendar, call lists, call registers and games.
The more advanced ones share internet connection, music downloading facility, infra red, cam cording, video calling, blue tooth facility and a host of other services.
High quality games can be played also on line.
The value of the total number of facilities available on some phones, far exceeds the price of the instrument and the charges paid for them.
Recent research says that the total worth of the services provided is nearly 40 billion dollars.
In the year 2000, the first ever news service on the cell phone was delivered in Finland.
Interestingly, the news service has caught on and demands are increasing for news according to one's liking.
Known as the 'on demand' instant information based on personal choice, is fast outdoing the newspaper services.
Even television newscast is not as fast as the cell phone availability.
The mobility and the far reaching benefits are enjoyed by the journalists too.
Even companies like Monster have started job hunting services through the mobile.
Job opportunities and expert advice regarding jobs is also available on the cell phone.
Also called the fourth screen, the mobile phone is part of the media.
It is the seventh one besides cinema, newspaper, TV, radio, internet and recordings.
Other than news it gives frequent intimations on the various fairs that are held, and the reduction offers made.
Horoscopes, latest game scores, lists of restaurants or entertainment spots, hospital, railway and flight information are easily received on the cell phone.
The utility of this device is no longer unknown.
The rate of sales growth in India shows that nearly six million people buy cells every month in India.
This is the largest growing market in the world.
An expected target of 500 million buyers by 2010, does not seem to be impossible.
A wide network of stations called cell base stations are instrumental in providing the routing of the calls to its destination.
Cell phones are small in size and very handy.
Equipped with various facilities, it is available to people of all classes.
The affordable price range and the easy application make it a pleasure to use.
Besides communication, they also have various other services programmed in them.
They have SMS services, camera, blue tooth, MMS, video, voice recorder, internet services and others.
The process of cell phone communication is rather simple.
Connected to several base stations, the cell phone can receive and transmit waves through antennas.
Installed atop tall buildings, tower or a pole, in populated areas they are further linked to a network of cabled connections.
From the base stations connected to the network, the signals reach the cell phones and the call is received.
The reception and transmission is usually within 8 to 13 kms.
Each cell phone has a SIM card.
The identity of this card is translated numerically.
Every SIM card has its own numbers so that is easily identified.
There are various handset manufacturers throughout the world.
The leading name among them is Nokia, Samsung, Motorola, Sony, Sony Ericsson, and LG.
There are various features of the mobile phone.
Even the simplest of them has the most necessary of services, like the messaging facility, calculators, calendar, call lists, call registers and games.
The more advanced ones share internet connection, music downloading facility, infra red, cam cording, video calling, blue tooth facility and a host of other services.
High quality games can be played also on line.
The value of the total number of facilities available on some phones, far exceeds the price of the instrument and the charges paid for them.
Recent research says that the total worth of the services provided is nearly 40 billion dollars.
In the year 2000, the first ever news service on the cell phone was delivered in Finland.
Interestingly, the news service has caught on and demands are increasing for news according to one's liking.
Known as the 'on demand' instant information based on personal choice, is fast outdoing the newspaper services.
Even television newscast is not as fast as the cell phone availability.
The mobility and the far reaching benefits are enjoyed by the journalists too.
Even companies like Monster have started job hunting services through the mobile.
Job opportunities and expert advice regarding jobs is also available on the cell phone.
Also called the fourth screen, the mobile phone is part of the media.
It is the seventh one besides cinema, newspaper, TV, radio, internet and recordings.
Other than news it gives frequent intimations on the various fairs that are held, and the reduction offers made.
Horoscopes, latest game scores, lists of restaurants or entertainment spots, hospital, railway and flight information are easily received on the cell phone.
The utility of this device is no longer unknown.
The rate of sales growth in India shows that nearly six million people buy cells every month in India.
This is the largest growing market in the world.
An expected target of 500 million buyers by 2010, does not seem to be impossible.