Reprogam Your Mind And Become Slim And Trim!

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Are you looking for a way to beat your cravings and get slim without too much will power and starvation? Then you need to consider why exactly it is that you wish to lose weight.
Why? Simply because motivation is the key factor to whether or not we reach the goals we set ourselves.
Not everyone wishes to shed weight just to look good, though for many this is their main motivation, especially before a holiday in the sun! However some people chose to focus on becoming slimmer when they find their life is being limited or restricted in some way.
How many of you have been mortified when you no longer fit in the size clothing you thought you were or discover that you are too overweight and unfit to even tackle the stairs to the hairdressers? When we are forced to look at an issue that negatively impacts on our life in some way, such as being obese, we are more than likely going to make a decision then and there to do something about it.
So we make a commitment to go on a diet.
First mistake.
Over 98% of all diets fail with over 30% of dieters putting more weight on! And besides how many diets can you actually say you have enjoyed? I for one could not think of anything more depressing than substituting diet shakes and bars for food! And imagine not being able to eat a little of what you fancy such as chocolate or cakes? Doesn't sound appetizing, does it? Furthermore, diets play havoc with your blood sugar levels which increases those cravings! So if diets are out of the question how are you going to successfully shed that excess weight? Well you have one of the most powerful 'computers' on the planet to rely on to help you reach your ideal weight.
Your subconscious mind! This is the part of the mind that is responsible for your habits, behaviours and how you think and feel.
So if you make changes at the subconscious level, by reprogramming your mind, you will find you reach your goals so much more effortlessly.
So how exactly to you go about reprogramming your mind for success? Firstly, focus on what you want as opposed to what you don't want! How many times have you stood on the scales and despaired at how much you weigh or looked in the mirror moaning about how fat you are? Well here's the point - if you focus on being fat and unattractive you will be fat and unattractive but if you focus on being slim and healthy - guess what - you will be slim and healthy.
So start right now and begin focusing on exactly what you want in life (to be slim/healthy/10 stone etc) as opposed to what you don't (fat/unfit/unattractive)! Look in the mirror and continually tell yourself you have a right to be slim and healthy! Hang up that dress in the size you want to be and imagine how sensational you will look and feel in it (and not how depressing it is that it doesn't fit you).
As a reminder - when on a mission to reach your final destination of a new slimmer you - do not focus on weight loss.
Why? What happens when you lose something? You try to find it! So focus on shedding weight, letting go of excess weight, being slim and healthy but not losing weight because you most certainly don't want to find it again after you have successfully lost it! Secondly, practice visualization every day.
Visualize yourself at your ideal weight doing the things you really enjoy doing - perhaps you have a photo of you at your ideal weight which can help here.
Make the image as vibrant and as compelling as possible and really get a feeling of how great it feels to be at your ideal weight now.
That's right - visualization works best if you focus on how good it feels to be at your ideal weight - this creates a powerful image for your subconscious mind to work towards.
Furthermore, your subconscious mind loves to keep you happy so if you whack up those fantastic feelings of happiness, wellbeing, pride, vitality etc whilst visualizing the new slimmer you, it will work even harder to create the image or goal you want! Thirdly, use positive affirmations.
These consolidate all of the work you are doing to re-program your mind for success.
Just as with weight loss hypnosis, you subconscious mind is given positive suggestions or affirmations to help you focus on what you want and let go of outdated habits.
Positive affirmations can help you change a bad habit or behaviour "I chose to enjoy eating healthily" or can help you reach a goal such as your ideal weight "I am slim and healthy".
Notice how these affirmations are stated in the present tense and not the future.
This ensures that you act now and not put it off till later.
Also if you tell your subconscious mind "I will be slim and healthy" - when exactly is it that you want to be slim and healthy? Five years from now? Remember 'What the mind can conceive the mind will achieve' - so by visualizing yourself at your ideal weight and saying your positive affirmations often during the day, as well as focusing on what you want in your life - you are helping to reprogram your mind to get what you actually want - a slimmer trimmer you.
And without hypnosis! If you can reprogram your mind to produce this wonderful slimmer, trimmer and healthier you, your subconscious mind will produce new ways to help you change your existing bad eating and lifestyle habits to healthier and more positive ones.
You may just find that you start to really enjoy more activity whilst eating less and more healthily without the need for any will power what so ever!
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