How to Prepare for the Gilroy Garlic Festival
- 1). Book a hotel room, camping space or other lodgings far in advance. The entire city swells during garlic weekend, and you will be unable to get a room if you wait too long. The Forest Park Inn on Leavesley is a good space for a good price.
- 2). Apply a lot of sunscreen and be prepared to spend a lot of time waiting. The Garlic Festival has a huge draw and, as such, the traffic and the lines that surround the festival can get long. Try to arrive as the festival is opening for the shortest lines.
- 3). Pack your sunscreen and a bottle or two of water in a comfortable bag before entering the festival. Reapply your sunscreen often.
- 4). Be prepared to pay cash for entry at the Festival. Prices are: general, $12, seniors 60 and over, $6, children 6-12, $6, under 6, free. Pay at the gate or online in advance.
- 5). Enjoy benefits like the mist tents and arts and crafts, as well as the wonderful musicians as you munch on garlicky foods all day.