How to Get Rid of Hornets Naturally
- 1). Determine where the nest is. If it is in a treetop, leave it alone and avoid the immediate area until fall.
- 2). Wait until night to approach nests attached to buildings or in high traffic areas.
- 3). Use a smoker to calm the hornets before spraying a natural hornet killer into the nest.
- 4). Use a saw to remove nests in the fall to prevent any hibernating hornets from returning.
- 5). Make the area undesirable for hornets with decoy nests and hornet repelling plants, such as wormwood and citronella.
- 6). Avoid excess chemicals in your yard to encourage the animals that eat hornets, including birds, spiders and preying mantids.
- 7). Set out traps in early spring to catch the queen hornet before she can build her nest and reproduce.
- 1). Seal all holes, cracks and openings to prevent hornets from entering.
- 2). Use a bottle or a cup and stiff piece of paper to trap individual hornets and move them outside for release into the wild.
- 3). Use a commercial hornet trap with bait or water to catch large groups of hornets. These traps may lack means of releasing the hornet alive.
- 4). Don multiple layers of thick clothing, including gloves and face coverings, to explore attics, garages and other low traffic areas in search of nests.
- 5). Call a professional if you discover a nest in your house.