How Does a Sinus Infection Develop?

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    • A sinus infection is a bacterial, fungal, or viral infection of the sinuses. The general condition of inflamed sinuses is called sinusitis, but inflammation can occur for other reasons than an infection. Sinusitis due to sinus infection is especially likely to occur after an individual has had an upper respiratory infection, with the symptoms often popping up just as soon as the person starts to feel better from the initial infection. Here is how and why a sinus infection develops.


    • When a person is healthy, the sinuses are filled with air. During a cold, flu, or other respiratory infection, the sinuses begin to fill with fluid as the body attempts to flush out the invading bacteria or viruses from the respiratory system. This is effective for the purpose of flushing out the system, but the moisture present in the sinuses during this time also enables bacteria to grow in the sinuses where they previously could not flourish because of the lack of fluid when the person was healthy.

    • In addition to having moisture present in the sinuses, which facilitates the growth of bacteria, the preceding cold or flu can cause the tissue lining the sinuses to have inflammation, which can block air from the sinuses as well as retain the moisture in the sinus cavities. This also sets up the perfect environment for bacteria, which tend to thrive in damp, warm, low oxygen settings. Bacteria are always present in the sinuses, but when these conditions develop, the spores are able to thrive and multiply.

    Development of the Infection

    • As the bacteria begin to multiply, the person can begin to develop the classic symptoms of a sinus infection: thick, colored nasal discharge, pain around the sinuses, decreased sense of smell, etc. Unfortunately, because the presence of the infection tends to allow the sinus inflammation to continue, a sinus infection can take a long time to resolve on its own without intervention so doctors often recommend antibiotics to help clear sinus infections.

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