The Various Kinds of Child Abuse
Child abuse is one of the forms of abuse which is becoming rampant in our country.
Whatever be the kind of abuse, its effect is directly to the child's emotional wellbeing which causes hindrance in future growth of the child.
To know more about child abuse, one must know the various kinds of child abuse which exists and one can be prone to.
Here's a brief description.
Emotional abuse - emotional abuse can damage a child's mental health and social development, leading to scars which he/she can never forget.
While some kids are very sensitive and can be affected very soon, the results of abuse in other children will not be visible very soon.
Here are some examples of emotional abuse in children.
• Constantly humiliating the child.
• Calling names which can have a negative impact.
• Frequent threatening/bullying the child.
• Limiting the amount of physical contact in terms of appreciation, expressing love etc.
• Exposing the child to other abusive elements.
Child neglect - this is also a form of child abuse which goes unnoticed easily.
When a child does not get the basic necessities such as food, clothing and supervision and also does not in a proper hygienic place, he/she is said to be neglected.
The reasons which one can attribute to neglect of a child are many, such as drug abuse by the parent, parent not mentally stable because of which the child is neglected, or the parent is down with depression/anxiety which results in the neglect of the child.
A neglected child does not receive the emotional support which is required to bring the best of him/her.
Physical abuse - Any harm or injury which is caused to a child and can be seen is known as physical abuse.
The injury caused to the child may be purposeful or a result of extreme discipline.
Some parents are of the opinion that disciplining the child can help him/her grow stronger, independent and a better person.
There's a fine line between disciplining and abuse, which when crossed can result in damage to the child's wellbeing.
Any form of abuse is not to be tolerated.
Parents must take care not to push children to the limit thinking that it will do them good.
Gone are the days when parents used to be strict and children used to listen.
These days a nice soft chat with the child can help change their behavior and attitude as compared to the disciplinary actions from previous time.
Whatever be the kind of abuse, its effect is directly to the child's emotional wellbeing which causes hindrance in future growth of the child.
To know more about child abuse, one must know the various kinds of child abuse which exists and one can be prone to.
Here's a brief description.
Emotional abuse - emotional abuse can damage a child's mental health and social development, leading to scars which he/she can never forget.
While some kids are very sensitive and can be affected very soon, the results of abuse in other children will not be visible very soon.
Here are some examples of emotional abuse in children.
• Constantly humiliating the child.
• Calling names which can have a negative impact.
• Frequent threatening/bullying the child.
• Limiting the amount of physical contact in terms of appreciation, expressing love etc.
• Exposing the child to other abusive elements.
Child neglect - this is also a form of child abuse which goes unnoticed easily.
When a child does not get the basic necessities such as food, clothing and supervision and also does not in a proper hygienic place, he/she is said to be neglected.
The reasons which one can attribute to neglect of a child are many, such as drug abuse by the parent, parent not mentally stable because of which the child is neglected, or the parent is down with depression/anxiety which results in the neglect of the child.
A neglected child does not receive the emotional support which is required to bring the best of him/her.
Physical abuse - Any harm or injury which is caused to a child and can be seen is known as physical abuse.
The injury caused to the child may be purposeful or a result of extreme discipline.
Some parents are of the opinion that disciplining the child can help him/her grow stronger, independent and a better person.
There's a fine line between disciplining and abuse, which when crossed can result in damage to the child's wellbeing.
Any form of abuse is not to be tolerated.
Parents must take care not to push children to the limit thinking that it will do them good.
Gone are the days when parents used to be strict and children used to listen.
These days a nice soft chat with the child can help change their behavior and attitude as compared to the disciplinary actions from previous time.