What Is on the Communion Table?
- Often made of oak or similar wood, the table may be inscribed with the words Jesus spoke to his 12 disciples on the night of the Last Supper, "This do in remembrance of me," as recorded in the Gospel of Luke 22:19.
- The bread, which represents the body of Jesus Christ, is usually commercially-produced wafers or small crackers served from stacked, interlocking brass or chrome trays. Some churches may instead use a loaf of bread.
- The cup, which is either wine or juice, represents the shed blood of Jesus. Some churches drink wine from a common chalice; however, evangelical congregations typically drink grape juice. Single servings are usually served from brass or chrome trays.
- In preparation for the observance, the table may be draped with a white cloth. The Communion elements are then placed on the table and covered by a second white cloth until served to the waiting congregation.
- While the bread and wine are the essential elements of the Communion table, some churches may include a Bible, candles, a cross or other decorative pieces such as flowers.
The Table
The Bread
The Cup
The Communion Service
Optional Elements