Divine Liaisons of the Gods" King Zeus
Zeus was the king of the gods and answerable to no one -- at least until he married Hera. His exploits among mortals begat the ancestors of the Greek heroes, but Zeus also mated with goddesses and other immortals.
Horai (Dike [justice], Eirene [peace], Eunomia [lawful government]), Moirai.
Charites (Aglaia, Euphrosyne, Thalia).
The Muses (Kleio, Euterpe, Thaleia, Melpomene, Terpsichore, Erato, Polymnia, Ourania, Kallioe).
Ares, Hebe, Eileithuia, [Hephaistos? usually counted as the son of Hera without Zeus as father]).More »
Persephone.More »
Artemis and Apollo.
Hermes.More »
Offspring:Horai (Dike [justice], Eirene [peace], Eunomia [lawful government]), Moirai.
Offspring:Charites (Aglaia, Euphrosyne, Thalia).
Offspring:The Muses (Kleio, Euterpe, Thaleia, Melpomene, Terpsichore, Erato, Polymnia, Ourania, Kallioe).
Offspring:Ares, Hebe, Eileithuia, [Hephaistos? usually counted as the son of Hera without Zeus as father]).More »
Offspring:Persephone.More »
Offspring:Artemis and Apollo.
•Maia (daughter of Atlas)
Offspring:Hermes.More »