OE - French Pronunciation of OE
The letters OE are usually combined into a single symbol Œ / œ (called a digraph) in French. They are pronounced more or less according to the same rules as EU, but there are quite a few exceptions, so it is important to use a dictionary when trying to determine the pronunciation of any word with OE.
French words with OE
Click on the links below to hear the words pronounced in French:
œuf (egg)
œufs (eggs)
sœur (sister)
Also see the letter combination ŒIL.
You are here:Learn French > French for Beginners > Pronunciation > Letters > Vowels > E / O > OE
French words with OE
Click on the links below to hear the words pronounced in French:
œuf (egg)
œufs (eggs)
sœur (sister)
Also see the letter combination ŒIL.
You are here:Learn French > French for Beginners > Pronunciation > Letters > Vowels > E / O > OE