Cash Cow Children
How, with so many out there in need, do we actually make a difference? Even if it is in the life of just one child? There are so many wonderful people that are doing everything within their resources to make a difference in their local community and the world as a whole. It is working to some degree, let's look at why and who is benefitting. I feel that more than not, the actual benefactor is not just the children, but also the persons making that effort, that it becomes a mutually beneficial relationship. Most people that I have talked to, have either had a horrific event in their own lives, or the life of someone close to them. As a part of the healing process begins, we began reaching out to help others, as a way of gaining our power back over our own personal tragedies, and over our victimizer's. These intruders/family terrorist have struck fear into the hearts of families for century's, the same types of crimes repeated to different families over and over again, by different "people". Although the "family terrorist" might change in physical features and dates of injector, the result is and has always been the same.
A child is damaged, knowing things and life through eyes that will never be the same again.
The thousands of groups out there, have one thing in common, trying to prevent another child from experiencing life, through a damaged childhood perspective, if at all possible? They battle on, through social networks, such as MySpace, FaceBook, Twitter, and countless other social networks and websites. I would like to say it is working, and they are getting their messages out there, but is it really enough, are they getting the results they truly wanted when they began? Getting those messages out as cost effective as possible, with results based more on they're available resources to promote each effort, rather than a lack of commitment to help. It is never in most cases, as I have seen, limited by a lack of desire to help or a lack of talent and ability. The common thread most groups share, is a lack of adequate resourcing, hindering these groups from being as effective in their efforts as they could be and as our children deserve. It is working though, to some degree. Just not as much or as fast as we would like to see or as it could be. This is not just evident in the U.S. It is happening on almost every continent, except Antarctica. There is a war among us, let us call it The Silent War. No, there is no silence for those of us that are in the battles, or to the children's parents and communities, where they are falling victim to a constant attack within our families and in communities everywhere, several thousand times a day, every day. The silence is in the courts and media, all due to one thing, money, and alas, our Cash Cow Children.
The news grows weary of reporting anything less than spectacularly shocking. Anything that will get ratings comes first. It would seem that our children have become a cash cow in one form or another, or at least the victimization and tragedy inflicted have. Either to the television station, or the cable network news, if it is gruesome and horrible, the worse the better. They broadcast it constantly, raking in the "Nelson Ratings" bringing in the advertisers, and rolling in the almighty advertising dollar! The better the ratings for a show or newscast, the more money they make, everyone except the children. Alas, our Cash Cow Children.
Government corruption, on a local and national level persist at rates never seen before against our children. Families are being torn apart in the courts designed to protect them. Due to the over load in the system and the callousness of the workers involved at all levels. Probably from having seen this show one too many times? Treated as another number, or another problem, labeled generically, and put in a file, then forgotten, until one of the advocacy groups or the parents fight to gain back their child, their family. The outcome is not as it should be in more cases than not. Again, this cost money to pursue anything in court. Money most families in court do not have access to. Maybe now there is a way?
The system is a money maker, most government entities now depend on fines, court cost, fees and other forms of wealth redistribution, to stay afloat and handle the massive cost of this system. The lawyers participate in the corruption on a massive scale, they are just as guilty in most cases as the portion of case workers that insight the process to begin with. As much as I hate to say it, and ashamed that it took me this long to realize, it is all about the money! You might believe in the fairy tale of justice and equality, and that we have the greatest system in the world. I would like to invite you to ask those that are "trapped" in the courts right now. Not the ones that earned a right to be there, and should be there. I mean the one's that got lured into a false sense of security, thinking that they would get a fair shake in the court system.
That might be true if they had the money and equal representation that the prosecutors, case workers and DA's are afforded through our tax dollars and all the fines and fees associated and generated within the courts today. In more cases than not, they do not have access to unlimited resources to defend their God given rights as parents or victims. We fund this system through our tax dollars and they gorge on the penalties, fines, fees and other excuses they find to charge those involved with the case. Ie the court room shuffle aka the "trough". Think about it, we are funding the current legal system as it stands through taxes, then through the fines, court cost and all the other fees they add on, it is almost as if buying a car from a very shady dealer, hidden this and hidden that. Doc fees ring a bell? It is not fair and it does not make sense, our families deserve better, our children deserve nothing less. Alas our Cash Cow Children.
How do we change the current system? How do we change the status quo? Well, we can continue to post comments and support each other, striking out as we can find the ammunition to do so. Unfortunately the very thing we are fighting against does not seem to run out of bullets, and does not seem to be as affected by our attacks. Having only to wait in most cases until we are "empty" to fire back? Next time you hear of a child that needs representation in the courts, above and beyond what the family can afford, or an abused mother and child, dependant on the abusive significant other for their shelter, food, and clothing. Ask yourself this, can I go RIGHT now and get them out. If you can call me now I know of plenty! (205)641-2726 Can I write a check or put it on a credit card and hire any child a lawyer? What can we do, I mean REALLY do?
The answer is obvious as the results so far bear witness, we must increase our reach, this is not happening on a wide enough scale yet. But it will it is coming. There are those hero's that do this, happen onto the scene from time to time. Jumping in the battle and swinging a mighty blow to the status quo. This is so far and few between, that it is literally a miracle when they do show up. We are retreating as a whole against an age old problem. We need a new form of attack, a new agenda. We need to hit this from the same angles we have been, but with more bullets, adding new angles as we can. We need to find a way to increase our punch against this Goliath.
The war need not be as silent anymore, by silent I mean unable to reach as many people, with resources that are no longer plentiful. Based solely on each groups ability to reach more people, new people with their message, with help. To gather more troops in each groups mission. From the old ones to the heroes yet to come and equip them with the means to defend and protect are most treasured, our children. The stats keep climbing, we are not winning this thing. We are doing good to hold our ground, if even that. We have the odds stacked against us, and they out gun us, they have more resources, and they have the upper hand right now. Yet I see a ray of light at the end of the tunnel. The answer may be as simple as fighting fire with fire? If we ask ourselves how are they winning, and how can we? How could we be more effective and start taking back ground, instead of just holding it? We have to get our messages out there, our stories, our efforts. We have to reach out to more people, and attract more supporters. We have to find a way through this. There is no turning around at this point, that would only allow the status quo to continue and grow in the wrong direction. Yes ,I know we each reach out to as many as we can, helping those that we can. Yet are there not always more out there, those we could or did not get too? Let me ask you this, how many are left out because we could not afford to get to them? More than I care or want to admit.
How do we get our messages out in front of more people, tv, radio, newspapers, websites, flyers, posters. Events, functions, parties and we could go on and on, as to how to get our messages out there and tighten the grip on this thing. The answer is the same for us as it is for the courts, and anything else in this life, it is all about the money, it always has been.Securing funding, aka more ammunition, enables those that do so, affording them with more opportunities and options to reach further, and strike stronger at their target. Equaling helping more families and children. Locating that funding can be a tricky issue, especially now with the economy in the shape it is in. Donations are down across the board, business's have seen a drop in sales, creating very few opportunities now more than ever, to help. Churches incomes are down as well in most cases. Let's not mention our schools, they are struggling now more than ever too.
Those of you that have worked with me know my heart. I am not concerned about the mone,y as I am sure most of you are not either. But being realistic, if you have been at this for any length of time. You know firsthand the cost of the day to day operations to run any size organization. The expense to start and run an effective ad campaign and get the results you envisioned when you first began. To actually exceed the amount of help you wanted to offer and the change you wanted to affect. I mean if we are talking about legislation or polling to show support for any number of needed changes in the current laws and penalties for some crimes against families and children. That can be a huge undertaking in manpower and resources, all amounting to money more than not. That is out of the reach of most people out there, most groups as well. We can turn a new chapter in this fight, we can start putting them on the offensive. But we have to be honest with ourselves and each other. We are all on the same team, on the same side. It is about the money, more money for this, or that? We must accept that while we would do this for free and most of us have and will continue to do so. It never was about the money to begin with. It was about the children and helping them. We must ask ourselves this, are we really where we want to be right now in our efforts? Is there more you could be doing if you only had the funding to afford that opportunity? Do you honestly know in your heart that you could really make a difference if you could attend more trade shows, pass out more flyers, talk to more people, run radio ads, tv ads, find more foot soldiers to help carry your message to the masses? Let's not forget, that while we would save the world if we could, most of us anyway. That the growth rate in pedophiles continues to skyrocket each year! What about those victims, are we leaving any out of the help they deserve and need? What about simply being able to get them out of the situation if nothing else? All because we do not have enough resources to go get to them? I will be honest if I do it alone, YES! We are losing more through the cracks in our resources than we realize, but we can do something about it.
If you are involved with a group or have access to anyone in a group that needs help in securing funding, to make a bigger impact in their community or the effort. Please contact me today to see what we can do to get them more ammunition. I have an idea that is nothing short of God given, and perfectly timed as always. This time next year if not sooner, there will be a change in the tide. I was told once before it has never been done, we did it! I was told that would take a miracle and we got it! There will be a time in the near future, when there will be those that said "I wish we would have?", and those that will be able to say "I am glad we did!" What will you be saying? You know what I will be saying.
Joey Tillman Founder The Child Protection Community