What Is Involved in an Eye Exam?
- The basic glaucoma test involves using a machine to blow a puff of air onto your eyes. It is painless; you just have to keep your eyes open for a few seconds.
- The doctor projects different-sized letters onto the wall and asks you to read them with each eye individually. Your vision level is determined by how well you identify the letters as they get smaller.
- The doctor will shine a light on your eyes to determine their health. He may also use an orange dye on your eyes to check for any scratches or marks. The dye wears off on its own and is painless.
- If you need vision correction, your doctor will have you look through a series of lenses and identify the ones that help you see best.
- The doctor measures the effectiveness of your eye muscles by asking you to follow the movement of a light or a pen.
Glaucoma Test
Letters on the Wall
External Exam
Lens Checks
Eye Muscle Test