Purpose of Umbrellas in Indian Weddings
- One explanation of the presence of an umbrella is based upon long-held Indian traditions. The story explains that at the beginning of the wedding day, the groom symbolically chooses between asceticism, known as sanyas, or married life, known as grihasta. As a young man, he first chooses the single life to avoid being tied down by marriage. He adorns himself with slippers, an umbrella, a bamboo fan and other items on his way towards asceticism.
- The umbrella quickly goes from being an adornment of bachelorhood to a symbol of commitment. The father of the bride stops the groom on his way to sanyas and convinces him that married life is preferred to a life of asceticism. He also promises his daughter to the young man. Convinced, the young man heads toward grihasta, but he carries the umbrella to remind him of the advice given to him by his future father-in-law.
- In Indian culture, the umbrella is a traditional symbol of protection, giving it an important place at weddings. This symbolism comes from Buddhism and its eight auspicious symbols. Chattra, translated as an umbrella, is said to symbolize the sky above the mountains. The umbrella itself casts a shadow, providing protection from the sky, and therefore protection to the holder.
- The presence of umbrellas is also a symbol of wealth or royalty. The more umbrellas that a person carries on his carriage, the higher his status. Historically, thirteen umbrellas were used to denote royalty. Today, an umbrella is often used at an Indian wedding as a show of wealth during a joyous ceremony.
- Today, the use of an umbrella at an Indian wedding has become tradition and is often used to symbolize royalty, protection and the choice of married life over an ascetic life all at once. As is fit with their important status, these umbrellas are often intricately woven in red and gold, traditional Indian wedding colors, and will often be heavily beaded or decorated in another fashion.
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