How to Decorate Store Displays for Christmas
- 1). Determine what sort of merchandise you are trying to display. Your merchandise should command your patrons' attention, with the decorations acting as a simple enhancement.
For example, set a table with nonperishable packaged necessities for a holiday meal, with garland, tinsel, apple cider, Christmas dinnerware and cookbooks opened to a couple of holiday recipes if you're selling groceries or kitchen items. Set up a Christmas tree behind the table. - 2). Use mannequins If you are selling apparel, furniture or other household goods,
because they can help your customers envision themselves, their friends and family members using your merchandise.
Use a variety of mannequins to display popular apparel or gifts for Christmas morning. Use a couple of mannequins to pose with the latest cell phone or popular electronic gifts for Christmas. Another mannequin could sit with headphones and the newest personal music player. - 3). String twinkling lights around a merchandise display, or set up LED candles for a comfortable, "homey" type of feel. If you're selling household goods, set up a Christmas tree adorned with twinkling lights.
- 4). Incorporate artificial snow into your display, if possible. Jewelry can be showcased on a jewel-toned velvet cloth over artificial snow with silver bulbs or snowflake decorations. Mannequins decked out in the latest outerwear can surround an artificial snowman, or arranged so they look like they're having a snowball fight.
Set up mannequins on artificial snow wearing sports apparel with sports equipment in a sports store. Put bows on a couple of bikes or large sports equipment to look like gifts. - 5). Decorate Christmas trees with different kinds of ornaments and use different color schemes if you're selling Christmas decorations. Choose your most interesting interactive decorations and set them up. Toy trains, an animated Santa Claus and a sleigh full of brightly wrapped boxes could surround the trees.