We Need to Rethink What Religious Leaders Teach

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Generally religious leaders teach what they themselves were taught in theology courses or at the knees of others of their kind.
They learn how to manipulate religious text and repeat the cloned answers that others have published.
On the whole there would be few if any of their numbers who are able to understand the facts about spirituality as felt within.
Their gods are purposefully designed images created by men for power and control.
Thinking people look beyond such dogma to the reality, such as where is heaven and hell? They understand that the dead have no living nerves and cannot feel or enjoy pleasure, as promised of the after-life.
Spiritual people, on the other hand, look to the little voice within which says "don't go there because this is not from me.
" There are millions now who hear that voice and are longing for a closer experience of the real God.
The purpose of religion is industrial.
The churches depend on their congregations for money, support and credibility.
If that wains they are in big trouble.
Governments also support them and offer handouts in the form of tax relief and other generous contributions.
That is because they too depend on people believing in the establishment in order to exercise power and control.
People are sucked in by grand stories of what will be their lot in the after-life but there is no evidence for any of them.
To provide a semblance of evidence so-called prophets were invented to pass on the laws of the Almighty and reinforce the notions of heaven and hell.
Texts, such as the New Testament and the Koran, were written to cement them in place.
Although these are in stark contrast to the Old Testament they have stood for almost 2,000 years with few questioning their credibility.
That is changing now, however, as the Spirit is reclaiming its own with a different promise.
Most have heard that "the meek will inherit the earth.
" It is an adage that resonates but few understand it.
The earth is facing major changes right now with climate change, global warming, loss of species, and major problems associated with spreading diseases and wars.
Those who trust in religious promises don't appear too worried as they apparently think that they will have the eternal kingdom in the sky as their new domain.
That is the world that the two beasts of Revelation created.
Their goal was conquest through war and enslavement and religion is the best enslaving power there is.
People are induced by it enough to commit murder and even to suicide in their attempts to take innocent people with them.
That is what is now happening as suicide bombers and terrorists bring countries to their knees.
Religious ideologies favour only those who can be convinced that the leaders know what they are teaching.
But we know by science and other things that they are way off the mark.
The idea that prophets are born of a virgin birth is outrageous.
The genes of both parents are required for conception.
The notions that heaven exists up there in the clouds is likewise horrendously naïve.
Space exploration not only proves that there is nothing up there but more space and planets, stars and black holes and things but that the earth is not the center of the universe which most of the dogma depends on.
The universe is huge and all the universes put together cannot be numbered and most cannot be seen even with the strongest telescope.
That means that the so-called Father God who sits on his throne above the clouds is a myth.
The image portrayed is taken from the Greek Zeus who supposed occupied the peak of Mount Olympus.
The Old Testament condemns those who believe in heaven and hell and promises that the host of heaven will fall (Isaiah 34:3).
There is also no Trinity God, which was taken from the Vedic Trinity of India and applied to the New Testament, as noted in Isaiah 45:4-8.
The facts are that we need to rethink religious teaching and move away from the myths that are destroying us.
If they were indeed right then some evidence would be available to prove it.
My reincarnation is a well-remembered event and religious leaders condemn it as satanic.
That is because it proves that there is no heaven or hell.
There are, however, thousands who are now testifying to their memories of past lives and some have even led them back to their original families and place of death.
Enslavement to ideologies is something that happens almost from birth as parents are induced to bring their babies to churches, temples, mosques, etc.
for the purpose of receiving them into the faith.
From that time on they are in the hands of those who will brainwash them and ensure that they accept the myths and follow the direction of the power over them.
Spiritual people, however, are escaping these organisations in droves as the Spirit is reclaiming them.
The earth is on a horror ride to inevitable changes and only God has the means to restore it.
The promise is that after the death of all who are destroying it and who oppose the truth are gone then it will be restored and God's people will inherit it forever.
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