How to Work With the Elemental Forces to Increase Your Financial Flow
The elements of Earth, Water, Air, Fire, and Spirit are the core archetypal forces that form the field of creation that flows through the natural world.
You also have a personal relationship with all of these forces as they flow through and function within your body.
For the last 15 years I've been helping others discover how to be in a direct relationship with the elemental forces so they could apply elemental guidance to create anything, and I do mean anything, in their lives or businesses.
Today, we're going to focus on utilizing the forces to increase your financial flow but the principles are the same no matter what you're creating.
Here is how to work with each of the elemental forces to increase your financial flow.
1) Earth forms the physical structures you have around your financial flow.
Connecting to the element of Earth will reveal to you where you need more effective containment with your finances.
Only by the act of grounded tracking will you be able to determine this, so if you are not doing this, begin immediately.
Write down all the money that flows in and out of your household and business daily.
This can be a simple task, and if you have a business, then you need to do this anyway for tax purposes.
You can track manually, use a computer spread sheet, or a program such as QuickBooks or Quicken.
Anytime you purchase anything, get in the habit of asking for a receipt and log them once a day (or every few days) to track your income flow.
With this easy tracking, you'll be effortlessly setting up a system for solid containment of your financial flow.
That way, you'll know immediately if more is flowing out than coming in, and you can stop the leak before it gets out of hand.
2) Water represents your emotional relationship with your financial flow.
It takes a degree of emotional maturity to not spend more than you have flowing in through income.
With Water you have to pay careful attention to where your ego is controlling you financially.
Your inner child ego will demand that you buy her what she wants now.
She thinks her needs must be met immediately.
The adolescent ego will rebel against tracking and containment.
The critical inner parent ego will tell you it's no use; you'll never get money right anyway.
It's imperative with Water that you learn to discern which inner voice is your adult self, the ego self that can stay focused on your financial goals and effectively help you decrease financial outflow while increasing income.
3) Air provides your mental focus and intention toward your financial goals.
Use the Air realm to help you design a clear creation blueprint for financial freedom.
Focusing your energy on financial freedom instead of simply getting "rich" will help you know your target numbers.
Financial freedom provides you with a clear target of producing enough passive income to cover your expenses.
Getting "rich" often implies a moving target because it isn't based on any firm additional figures such as expenses.
4) Fire adds momentum to your financial flow by helping you know which actions align with your wealth-building intentions.
Connect to Fire when you need to create new economic flow in your business.
Fiery actions will heat up your business visibility to attract more clients or propel your marketing forward.
Because Fire reduces substances to ash as the great transformer, it can help you know what needs to be let go of in terms of energy wasters, old things in your life, old habits, or expenses you no longer need.
5) Spirit will help you determine ways to align your financial flow with your essence and life purpose, assisting you in connecting with your true desires.
You may find that you've been wanting to "get rich" when underneath you simply desire financial freedom.
That type of freedom means you have the ability to cover your expenses each month with passive income sources which don't require your constant energetic attention, thus expanding your ability to follow your passions with ever-increasing freedom.
The elemental forces can assist you in many more ways to increase your financial flow.
Focusing on these five elements can get you off to an amazing start.
Remember to thank these precious forces for their powerful energetic assistance and connect with them any time you need creation support and guidance.
You also have a personal relationship with all of these forces as they flow through and function within your body.
For the last 15 years I've been helping others discover how to be in a direct relationship with the elemental forces so they could apply elemental guidance to create anything, and I do mean anything, in their lives or businesses.
Today, we're going to focus on utilizing the forces to increase your financial flow but the principles are the same no matter what you're creating.
Here is how to work with each of the elemental forces to increase your financial flow.
1) Earth forms the physical structures you have around your financial flow.
Connecting to the element of Earth will reveal to you where you need more effective containment with your finances.
Only by the act of grounded tracking will you be able to determine this, so if you are not doing this, begin immediately.
Write down all the money that flows in and out of your household and business daily.
This can be a simple task, and if you have a business, then you need to do this anyway for tax purposes.
You can track manually, use a computer spread sheet, or a program such as QuickBooks or Quicken.
Anytime you purchase anything, get in the habit of asking for a receipt and log them once a day (or every few days) to track your income flow.
With this easy tracking, you'll be effortlessly setting up a system for solid containment of your financial flow.
That way, you'll know immediately if more is flowing out than coming in, and you can stop the leak before it gets out of hand.
2) Water represents your emotional relationship with your financial flow.
It takes a degree of emotional maturity to not spend more than you have flowing in through income.
With Water you have to pay careful attention to where your ego is controlling you financially.
Your inner child ego will demand that you buy her what she wants now.
She thinks her needs must be met immediately.
The adolescent ego will rebel against tracking and containment.
The critical inner parent ego will tell you it's no use; you'll never get money right anyway.
It's imperative with Water that you learn to discern which inner voice is your adult self, the ego self that can stay focused on your financial goals and effectively help you decrease financial outflow while increasing income.
3) Air provides your mental focus and intention toward your financial goals.
Use the Air realm to help you design a clear creation blueprint for financial freedom.
Focusing your energy on financial freedom instead of simply getting "rich" will help you know your target numbers.
Financial freedom provides you with a clear target of producing enough passive income to cover your expenses.
Getting "rich" often implies a moving target because it isn't based on any firm additional figures such as expenses.
4) Fire adds momentum to your financial flow by helping you know which actions align with your wealth-building intentions.
Connect to Fire when you need to create new economic flow in your business.
Fiery actions will heat up your business visibility to attract more clients or propel your marketing forward.
Because Fire reduces substances to ash as the great transformer, it can help you know what needs to be let go of in terms of energy wasters, old things in your life, old habits, or expenses you no longer need.
5) Spirit will help you determine ways to align your financial flow with your essence and life purpose, assisting you in connecting with your true desires.
You may find that you've been wanting to "get rich" when underneath you simply desire financial freedom.
That type of freedom means you have the ability to cover your expenses each month with passive income sources which don't require your constant energetic attention, thus expanding your ability to follow your passions with ever-increasing freedom.
The elemental forces can assist you in many more ways to increase your financial flow.
Focusing on these five elements can get you off to an amazing start.
Remember to thank these precious forces for their powerful energetic assistance and connect with them any time you need creation support and guidance.