Easy Homemade Compost
- 1). Set your compost bin in an area that is near a source of water, away from the home and in a shaded area.
- 2). Place a 3- to 4-inch layer of twigs at the bottom for extra aeration.
- 3). Place 6 to 8 inches of kitchen scraps, grass clippings and leaves into the pile. Do not use dairy or fatty materials such as meat in the compost pile. This causes foul smells and draws animals to the bin.
- 4). Spread a 1-inch layer of soil on top of the scraps.
- 5). Place 2 to 3 inches of manure on top of the pile. Sprinkle some lime, woodash and rock phosphate onto the pile to lower the acidity.
- 6). Continue these layers until the bin is full.
- 7). Leave the bin four to five days, then check on it. It should sag in the middle around this time. Leave a further three to four weeks, then turn the pile using a pitchfork. The compost is ready in four to six months. Continue turning every few weeks until this time.