Hypertension - High Blood Pressure - Take Steps to Prevent or Lower High Blood P
Updated October 01, 2010.
Reprinted from the NHLBI: National High Blood Pressure Educcation Program
Take Steps -- Prevent High Blood Pressure!
To prevent high blood pressure:
- Aim for a healthy weight. Try not to gain extra weight. Lose weight if you are overweight. Try losing weight slowly, about half a pound to 1 pound each week until you reach a healthy weight.
- Be active every day. You can walk, dance, use the stairs, play sports, or do any activity you enjoy.
- Use less salt and sodium in cooking. Buy foods marked "sodium free," "low sodium," or "reduced sodium." Take the salt shaker off the table.
- Eat more fruits and vegetables, whole grain breads and cereals, and lowfat dairy products.
- Cut back on alcohol. Men who drink should have no more than one or two drinks each day. Women who drink should have no more than one drink a day. Pregnant women should not drink any alcohol. Take Steps -- Prevent High Blood Pressure!
To lower your high blood pressure practice these steps:
- maintain a healthy weight.
- be active every day.
- eat fewer foods high in salt and sodium.
- eat more fruits and vegetables, whole grain breads and cereals, and lowfat dairy products.
- cut back on alcoholic beverages.
- Take your medicine the way your doctor tells you.
- Have your blood pressure checked often.
Reprinted from the NHLBI: National High Blood Pressure Educcation Program