Over-the-Counter Rash Ointments
- Rashes may feel painful, uncomfortable and even itchy.examination image by JASON WINTER from Fotolia.com
Rashes typically take the form of itchy red spots on your skin, but may also resemble dry or flaky skin. The cause of your rash can be a number of things, including a minor allergic reaction, contact with poison ivy or a similar plant, or even eczema. When you use an over-the-counter ointment to treat your rash, always test it on a small area of your skin first and watch for any signs of an allergic reaction. - Antihistamines contain ingredients that help treat an allergic reaction and reduce any itching that you feel. Benadryl is one of the more commonly known creams of this type, though others exist, including generic brands. The product comes in both a cream form and a gel form. If using the cream, rub it into your skin and lightly cover with a bandage. For gels, simply dab onto the affected areas of skin and let dry. Antihistamine products also help with any itching caused by bug bites.
- Over-the-counter lotions are a remedy for eczema outbreaks. Use these when the rash has an open look or is leaking puss. Look for healing, hydrating or moisturizing lotions, specifically those without any fragrances or dyes. First clean the rash carefully, with warm water and antibacterial soap. Lightly pat the skin dry and then apply a thin layer of the cream. You can rub the cream into your skin, if you haven't experienced any pain. Cover with a light dressing.
- Hydrocortisone creams are a basic over-the-counter product suitable for dry or itchy skin. The product is sold under such brand names as Cortizone 10 and Cortaid. This type of cream is effective on rashes caused by exposure to the sun, poison ivy and bug bites. Apply the product directly to the skin to reduce the itchy feeling. The warning label on the cream says to not use for conditions such as acne, athletes foot and jock itch.
- For rashes on sensitive areas of the skin, try diaper rash cream. Diaper rash cream comes in two forms: a zinc oxide product and a petroleum based product. Zinc creams are thicker and better suited for those with a constant rash. Petroleum products are less thick and the consistency may be difficult to control. Rub the cream into your skin and cover lightly.
Hydrocortisone Creams
Diaper Rash Creams