Remedy Your Common Cold With Natural Cures
There are more than 200 different viruses that can cause symptoms of the common cold.
Cold viruses infect membranes lining the nose and throat by controlling activities of the tissue cells, and then multiply rapidly.
killing the host cell, which bursts to releases viruses that in turn infect other cells.
Symptoms of a cold will usually show in 18-48 hours after infection Main Symptoms of a Common Cold include: Sneezing Blocked nose Sore throat Runny nose Cough Headache Natural Remedies for Common Cold Chop and boil ginger, strain and add lime or lemon juice, honey, half a tot rum may be added for adults, garlic may be added if desired Drink herbal tea to treat the common cold and open the congestion, you can drink: chamomile tea, green tea, and more.
Eat radish with salt A teaspoon of the bitter gourd root paste, mixed with a similar amount of honey or tulsi leaf juice, given once every night for the duration of the cold In a cup of milk boil 1 tablespoon of pepper powder with a pinch of turmeric.
Drink this mixture once a day for three days.
Garlic soup made by boiling three or four cloves of chopped garlic in a cup of water, mix with a teaspoon of onion juice, and should be taken two or three times a day.
Tips for Clearing a Blocked Nose For dry and stuffy nose, use saline or salt water nasal drops made by adding 1/4 teaspoon of table salt to about 4 mililitres lukewarm water.
Use with a clean dropper to fill 1 to 2 drops in each nostril a few times a day .
Add a few drops eucalyptus oil to boiling water.
Use a towel to cover your head and steam taking deep breaths, alternately fresh mint leaves or pine drops may be used this helps you feel better and breathe easier A tablespoon of carom seeds (ajwain) crushed and bundled in a muslin cloth and can be inhaled for blocked noses Bear in mind however that not everything that is 'natural' is either safe or healthy.
Some herbal remedies may interact with other pharmaceutical medicines and may cause unwanted side effects, so do seek advice from your doctor or herbalist first before taking anything.
Tips to Protect Against a Common Cold Keep your immune system strong.
Avoid stress, Get a good night's sleep, Avoid cigarette smoke, Eat plenty of whole foods, fruit, vegetables Drink plenty of water The following supplements may help with the common cold Antioxidant complex Echinacea Elderberry extract Garlic tablets Multivitamins and minerals Olive leaf extracts Selenium Vitamin C The best ways to fight the common cold or even to prevent it from attacking is by strengthening our immune system.
The immune system requires proper nutrition for optimum perfomance.
Thus when you are sick, consume foods that improve immunity and get proper rest.
Going on all night benders makes the immune vulnerable to infections.