How to Get Rid of Termites for Free
- 1). Cut off the termites' access to some or preferably all of the necessities that termites need to flourish and multiply. Those necessities are food, warmth and moisture. Termites eat cellulose and plant fiber, preferably wet. Accordingly, make sure you have as little wood available to termites as possible. Also, ventilate the crawlspace under your house and remove old lumber, newspapers or other termites' delicacies from there, if you haven't done that already.
- 2). Select termite-resistant wood when making renovations for the outside of your house. Termite-resistant woods includes bald cypress, black locust, redwood, eastern red cedar, osage orange, northern catalpa, black walnut and Pacific yew.
- 3). Support termites' natural predators, such as birds and small mammals (e.g., monkeys). Some other predators that eat termites, however, may be even worse than termites themselves. Those include scorpions, lizards and snakes.