Leather Bound Book of Shadows - An Insider Secret
A witch's book of shadows is perhaps the cardinal witch text of every clan or tradition of witchcraft. Inside these books, there are huge collections of religious and magical texts documenting various kinds of witchcraft traditions, NeoPagan traditions, Wicca and so on. Usually these journals contain the philosophy, ethics, magical practices, core rituals and magic spells of a witch belonging to any tradition of witchcraft.
Previously, there was a book of shadows for every clan or generation and the journal was kept with the high priest/priestess of that clan. Every witch had to copy down the contents of that book with her own hand. But as this was time consuming and not very feasible, witches were allowed to keep their own and very personal book of shadows.
Nowadays, witches take the help of technology and download their favorite book of shadows from the internet or copy it from a senior and store it in their own hard disk. This complete book of magical information was supposed to remain a very closely guarded secret. But many witches, in recent times, have breached this ethic and have spilled out the contents of this record in public for everyone to view.
Usually, a witch started her own personal diary or book of observations after entering a coven and kept recording in it all the learning of her life till her death. This became her own personal book of shadows.
If you are a witch and wish to write down your experiences, inferences, details of the spells, rituals and incantations that you have created or shaped yourself, you can purchase a Leather Bound Book of Shadows from any online witch shop.
There is a great variety of Leather Bound Book of Shadows available in such stores. Some of these are made of hand made leather with lace trimmings and thong lace details at the edges. Then there are pocket sized mini Leather Bound Book of Shadows where the leather becomes softer and luxurious with use.
Many of these Leather Bound Book of Shadows are hand stitched containing between 125 to 200 blank pages that are eco friendly and which make for wonderful pagan journals. There are also designer Leather Bound Book of Shadows brought out by design studios where the front covers are ornately decorated with angels and roses and braiding along with lace trimmings.
Prices vary from 11 GBP to 23 GBP. Some of these Leather Bound Book of Shadows feature suede jackets in tan color, some have traditional wrap around thong closures for extra protection.
The leather encasing is tough and durable and you can easily pass on your pagan journal to your future generation and hand them down your book of knowledge and secrets.
Previously, there was a book of shadows for every clan or generation and the journal was kept with the high priest/priestess of that clan. Every witch had to copy down the contents of that book with her own hand. But as this was time consuming and not very feasible, witches were allowed to keep their own and very personal book of shadows.
Nowadays, witches take the help of technology and download their favorite book of shadows from the internet or copy it from a senior and store it in their own hard disk. This complete book of magical information was supposed to remain a very closely guarded secret. But many witches, in recent times, have breached this ethic and have spilled out the contents of this record in public for everyone to view.
Usually, a witch started her own personal diary or book of observations after entering a coven and kept recording in it all the learning of her life till her death. This became her own personal book of shadows.
If you are a witch and wish to write down your experiences, inferences, details of the spells, rituals and incantations that you have created or shaped yourself, you can purchase a Leather Bound Book of Shadows from any online witch shop.
There is a great variety of Leather Bound Book of Shadows available in such stores. Some of these are made of hand made leather with lace trimmings and thong lace details at the edges. Then there are pocket sized mini Leather Bound Book of Shadows where the leather becomes softer and luxurious with use.
Many of these Leather Bound Book of Shadows are hand stitched containing between 125 to 200 blank pages that are eco friendly and which make for wonderful pagan journals. There are also designer Leather Bound Book of Shadows brought out by design studios where the front covers are ornately decorated with angels and roses and braiding along with lace trimmings.
Prices vary from 11 GBP to 23 GBP. Some of these Leather Bound Book of Shadows feature suede jackets in tan color, some have traditional wrap around thong closures for extra protection.
The leather encasing is tough and durable and you can easily pass on your pagan journal to your future generation and hand them down your book of knowledge and secrets.