Prevention Of Yet Another Heart Attack
In order to effective prevent the occurrence of another possible heart attack, it is important to go for regular medical check-ups.
Even for healthy people with no history of heart attack, regular medical check-ups are still highly recommended.
This is to ensure that any lurking coronary risk factors or any other possible symptoms of heart disease can be revealed earlier.
So what does a regular medical check-up consist of? It should include baseline blood tests, which includes the blood levels of cholesterols and resting ECG.
If there are any abnormal findings, the doctors will recommend additional diagnostic tests to further find out the causes of the abnormalities.
Often, patients suffering from heart diseases usually suffer from one or more coronary risk factors.
However they are usually unaware of such risk factors or they simply choose to ignore them.
Among all the possible coronary risk factors, only the hereditary factor cannot be controlled.
For the other factors, they can be easily controlled and prevented if enough effort is put in to do so.
Heart disease is also more commonly known as the "Silent Killer" because patients often do not show any symptoms of possible coronary heart failure.
This makes it extremely important for regular medical check-ups.
Exercise is important to maintain a healthy body more so after suffering from a heart attack.
The exercise we are talking about need not be over exerting or strenuous.
Slow brisk walking, swimming, slow dancing and golfing will be sufficient.
It is recommended to exercise at least 3 to 4 times a week.
Exercising regularly will also help to maintain a healthier emotional health.
A healthier and happier person will more likely to be free from diseases.
Unnecessary stress should be avoided especially for people whom have experience a previous heart attack.
Research have found that people who are always experiencing strong negative emotions have a much higher likelihood of heart attacks than people who are optimistic and happy.
Techniques such as anger management, meditation, yoga and tai chi can be used to avoid negative emotions and maintaining a healthier body and heart.
Even for healthy people with no history of heart attack, regular medical check-ups are still highly recommended.
This is to ensure that any lurking coronary risk factors or any other possible symptoms of heart disease can be revealed earlier.
So what does a regular medical check-up consist of? It should include baseline blood tests, which includes the blood levels of cholesterols and resting ECG.
If there are any abnormal findings, the doctors will recommend additional diagnostic tests to further find out the causes of the abnormalities.
Often, patients suffering from heart diseases usually suffer from one or more coronary risk factors.
However they are usually unaware of such risk factors or they simply choose to ignore them.
Among all the possible coronary risk factors, only the hereditary factor cannot be controlled.
For the other factors, they can be easily controlled and prevented if enough effort is put in to do so.
Heart disease is also more commonly known as the "Silent Killer" because patients often do not show any symptoms of possible coronary heart failure.
This makes it extremely important for regular medical check-ups.
Exercise is important to maintain a healthy body more so after suffering from a heart attack.
The exercise we are talking about need not be over exerting or strenuous.
Slow brisk walking, swimming, slow dancing and golfing will be sufficient.
It is recommended to exercise at least 3 to 4 times a week.
Exercising regularly will also help to maintain a healthier emotional health.
A healthier and happier person will more likely to be free from diseases.
Unnecessary stress should be avoided especially for people whom have experience a previous heart attack.
Research have found that people who are always experiencing strong negative emotions have a much higher likelihood of heart attacks than people who are optimistic and happy.
Techniques such as anger management, meditation, yoga and tai chi can be used to avoid negative emotions and maintaining a healthier body and heart.