Walking to Relieve Your Bowels
It has been reported that millions of people of suffer from some form of irritable bowel syndrome and its associative symptoms.
Needless to say, many are searching for ways to gain relief from the symptoms of constipation, diarrhea and pain.
A lot of people are able to secure some form of relief but much of the relief is temporary and short lived.
Many more studies are going to be necessary to properly research and address the problems before long term solutions to the many symptoms of irritable bowel disease can be found.
One such study was done in the UK and reported in The International Journal of Sports Medicine.
A report published in September 2008 offers a great deal of hope for those seeking relief.
The outcome of the study reports that exercise routines that use walking as its main form of activity will help relieve many chronic bowel symptoms.
The study surveyed over 50 people and provided them with various disciplines of support during the study.
The study was conducted over a 12 week period of time with all of the participants finishing the study.
The study concluded that 30 minutes of moderate exercise, 5 times a week, will be effective for relief form many irritable bowel symptoms, especially constipation.
Also, participants that received the best results from the regime also included a modest fiber content of diet and maintained proper daily hydration.
The combination of the three produced the best results for participants as they reported many symptoms disappearing and not reoccurring.
Walking combined with low fiber and plenty of water has offered a lot of hope for symptom relief for those suffering from irritable bowel syndrome.
Introducing modest amounts of fiber into the diet not only helps to keep the intestines operating properly but it has a cleansing effect as well.
Cleansing of the colon is a great place to begin improving intestinal health and relieving constipation symptoms.
If the body is having a difficult time with bowel movements, it may benefit from exercise and cleansing.
The removal of unwanted bacteria will also have a detoxifying effect and can change personal intestinal health and provide relief from symptoms.
An effective colon cleanse is an excellent way to flush unhealthy bacteria and parasites from the intestinal tract.
These parasites have probably made their way into your intestinal tract by way of food or water and need to be removed.
Removing unwanted bacteria from the intestinal tract and colon can have dramatic effects on mood, energy levels and a general sense of well being.
Providing the intestines with the proper amount of water is important for symptom relief.
Hydrating before a walking exercise program and during your walking is important.
It is not advised that you wait until you feel dehydrated to drink water but to get into the routine of drinking water throughout the day.
Drinking a glass of water after your walking routine is a good idea as well.
This will allow you to avoid dehydration before it can occur instead of trying to deal with the effects of dehydration after it has occurred.
There isn't much that needs to be done to prepare for a modest walking routine.
A few deep breaths, slowly inhaling and exhaling, are good warm ups for the lungs.
Also, before beginning a walking routine, performing a few light warm ups and simple stretching exercises can really help make the walk more enjoyable.
A warm up will help prepare the body for exercise by warming up the muscles and getting the blood flowing.
Toe touches, knee raises and high stretches are example warm up exercises for a walking program.
One very common mistake many people make when beginning a walking program is trying to do more then they should and too early.
The study concluded that a modest walking program is best for relieving irritable bowel symptoms.
Also, sore muscles and possible injury can occur if you try to do too much too quickly.
Take a slow and progressive stance regarding your walking pace and you'll enjoy it much more.
You can set goals as far as how far you can walk in the 30 minutes but don't push it too quickly.
Taking the information provided in The International Journal of Sports Medicine report on walking and the relief of irritable bowel symptoms and starting a walking program of your own can payoff with great dividends.
It might be a good idea if you can recruit a walking partner and make it a team effort.
Also, try to get into a routine and walk at the same time each day.
Needless to say, many are searching for ways to gain relief from the symptoms of constipation, diarrhea and pain.
A lot of people are able to secure some form of relief but much of the relief is temporary and short lived.
Many more studies are going to be necessary to properly research and address the problems before long term solutions to the many symptoms of irritable bowel disease can be found.
One such study was done in the UK and reported in The International Journal of Sports Medicine.
A report published in September 2008 offers a great deal of hope for those seeking relief.
The outcome of the study reports that exercise routines that use walking as its main form of activity will help relieve many chronic bowel symptoms.
The study surveyed over 50 people and provided them with various disciplines of support during the study.
The study was conducted over a 12 week period of time with all of the participants finishing the study.
The study concluded that 30 minutes of moderate exercise, 5 times a week, will be effective for relief form many irritable bowel symptoms, especially constipation.
Also, participants that received the best results from the regime also included a modest fiber content of diet and maintained proper daily hydration.
The combination of the three produced the best results for participants as they reported many symptoms disappearing and not reoccurring.
Walking combined with low fiber and plenty of water has offered a lot of hope for symptom relief for those suffering from irritable bowel syndrome.
Introducing modest amounts of fiber into the diet not only helps to keep the intestines operating properly but it has a cleansing effect as well.
Cleansing of the colon is a great place to begin improving intestinal health and relieving constipation symptoms.
If the body is having a difficult time with bowel movements, it may benefit from exercise and cleansing.
The removal of unwanted bacteria will also have a detoxifying effect and can change personal intestinal health and provide relief from symptoms.
An effective colon cleanse is an excellent way to flush unhealthy bacteria and parasites from the intestinal tract.
These parasites have probably made their way into your intestinal tract by way of food or water and need to be removed.
Removing unwanted bacteria from the intestinal tract and colon can have dramatic effects on mood, energy levels and a general sense of well being.
Providing the intestines with the proper amount of water is important for symptom relief.
Hydrating before a walking exercise program and during your walking is important.
It is not advised that you wait until you feel dehydrated to drink water but to get into the routine of drinking water throughout the day.
Drinking a glass of water after your walking routine is a good idea as well.
This will allow you to avoid dehydration before it can occur instead of trying to deal with the effects of dehydration after it has occurred.
There isn't much that needs to be done to prepare for a modest walking routine.
A few deep breaths, slowly inhaling and exhaling, are good warm ups for the lungs.
Also, before beginning a walking routine, performing a few light warm ups and simple stretching exercises can really help make the walk more enjoyable.
A warm up will help prepare the body for exercise by warming up the muscles and getting the blood flowing.
Toe touches, knee raises and high stretches are example warm up exercises for a walking program.
One very common mistake many people make when beginning a walking program is trying to do more then they should and too early.
The study concluded that a modest walking program is best for relieving irritable bowel symptoms.
Also, sore muscles and possible injury can occur if you try to do too much too quickly.
Take a slow and progressive stance regarding your walking pace and you'll enjoy it much more.
You can set goals as far as how far you can walk in the 30 minutes but don't push it too quickly.
Taking the information provided in The International Journal of Sports Medicine report on walking and the relief of irritable bowel symptoms and starting a walking program of your own can payoff with great dividends.
It might be a good idea if you can recruit a walking partner and make it a team effort.
Also, try to get into a routine and walk at the same time each day.