Writing a Blog: Dos and Don’Ts
Have you been composing articles for some time now, but haven't yet received much response? In that case you need to review your style of writing a blog. Check whether it meets the parameters or not. Understand other than writing an error-free blog you need to make them interesting and informative as well. If you are not sure about how exactly should be your blogs consider taking a look at some of the best blog sites. If you are looking to make some business out of your blog then you will need to ensure that they are marketed properly. However, if these are possible for you to do, consider taking assistance of a professional. When it comes to how to write a blog following the below mentioned dos and don'ts can help you greatly.
While you write blogs
€ Focus: Always focus on the topic you are writing on. And for this you will need to at first decide your target readers. Once you realize that it is the right time for you to do some research to find what most of them are looking for and after that determine your topic you are going to focus on.
€ Be you: While you look into the web you will find innumerable write-ups composed on the same topic you have chosen. And you actually can't avoid this as bloggers like you too competing to deliver the relevant and the best. However what makes each blogger distinguished is their style of writing and their originality. So, always try to be original. Though you can take ideas from different blog sites, when writing a blog you should implement your own thoughts and knowledge.
€ Use links in your blogs: You can link your blogs to other relevant blogs and websites offering good information. Also, you can link it to your past posts. This way you can increase the clicks and help you blog rank high in the search engine.
€ Incorporate images and videos: While audiences visit you blog to get detailed information, they also require being excited visually. Images and videos keep the interest of the readers intact. Moreover, they provide a break from reading a five hundred blog.
€ Respond ASAP: Comments given by readers should be responded quickly. Remember this is one of the greatest opportunities having to speak to your readers directly.
€ Social media marketing: When it comes to reaching out to a large number of audiences nothing can be more effective than social media marketing. All you need to do is post your blog on the social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter and get connected with your potential readers and clients.
The Don'ts
€ Do not set any unrealistic goal.
€ Limit word count. Gone are those days when bloggers would write a thousand words article thinking that it would bring a revolt. Nah! This is not going to work at all.
€ Avoid making grammatical mistakes. To ensure that you are delivering error-free writings proof read each of them.
While you write blogs
€ Focus: Always focus on the topic you are writing on. And for this you will need to at first decide your target readers. Once you realize that it is the right time for you to do some research to find what most of them are looking for and after that determine your topic you are going to focus on.
€ Be you: While you look into the web you will find innumerable write-ups composed on the same topic you have chosen. And you actually can't avoid this as bloggers like you too competing to deliver the relevant and the best. However what makes each blogger distinguished is their style of writing and their originality. So, always try to be original. Though you can take ideas from different blog sites, when writing a blog you should implement your own thoughts and knowledge.
€ Use links in your blogs: You can link your blogs to other relevant blogs and websites offering good information. Also, you can link it to your past posts. This way you can increase the clicks and help you blog rank high in the search engine.
€ Incorporate images and videos: While audiences visit you blog to get detailed information, they also require being excited visually. Images and videos keep the interest of the readers intact. Moreover, they provide a break from reading a five hundred blog.
€ Respond ASAP: Comments given by readers should be responded quickly. Remember this is one of the greatest opportunities having to speak to your readers directly.
€ Social media marketing: When it comes to reaching out to a large number of audiences nothing can be more effective than social media marketing. All you need to do is post your blog on the social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter and get connected with your potential readers and clients.
The Don'ts
€ Do not set any unrealistic goal.
€ Limit word count. Gone are those days when bloggers would write a thousand words article thinking that it would bring a revolt. Nah! This is not going to work at all.
€ Avoid making grammatical mistakes. To ensure that you are delivering error-free writings proof read each of them.