Learning Martial Arts With Technology

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If you were to travel back in time to feudal Japan, or you were to scale back centuries to the original Shaolin Temples, and you studied martial arts in the past, you would not have many options.
You could either join a school and be a servant for life, or you could find a scroll or a teacher to individually teach you and show you the way.
Today, there are more options than ever before, and you cannot compare the learning options of the past to the present as technology takes on a major role for those that are starting out and for the masters of any given style.
Let's assume that you're an absolute beginner, and you want to use what you have, much like the past students in ancient times had to use what they had, you are very blessed as you can start your training with technology.
Focusing on Tablets If you have an iPad, Kindle, or a smartphone that is very large, you will be able to use those things to read, learn, and train.
You'll find that at the core of these technologies there's a way to read books.
Books published on martial arts fill all different channels, and you can get a beginner's guide to any type of fighting style.
It's at that starting point that you can read about philosophy, training styles, methods, and practice your form.
This is a low-cost solution that many people utilize to get fit, read about martial arts, and practice form, discipline and more.
Video Learning Move over to the DVD player and you will find that this technology can be used to learn just about anything.
You will be a bit limited at times, but you can start off learning the moves necessary to strike, kick, stretch, and move around a bit.
Just like millions of people use these for Yoga training, Tai Chi and more, you can work on a variety of different elements as well.
The goal is to have a visual framework and real-time video to learn the basics.
If you want to move beyond the basics, there are some videos that you can invest in, but you will eventually want to find a real teacher.
Streaming Media Right now, millions of people are learning how to defend themselves through media like YouTube.
These sites let anyone upload a video and there are a lot of lessons that you can learn with this site as a guiding light.
Whether you want to take a look at how to throw a punch or how to maximize your stretching, you'll find advice and ideas sewn throughout this streaming media website.
All of this is a good framework to start.
It is not recommended that you try to learn to master any discipline through the media options mentioned above.
However, using what you have at your disposal is in line with martial arts training and ideology.
Start with the above, and slowly work on learning more and more about the topics that interest you.
Eventually, you will need to find a teacher, but to start, the very basics can be seen and learned through the above media technologies.
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