Fight Your Speeding Ticket by Getting a Speedometer Test
We all know the feeling when we are safely driving along and a policeman pulls up behind you and flashes his lights. We pull over, usually frustrated, because we can't figure out what we did wrong. Frustration turns to anger when the officer tells us we were speeding when we know we weren't, or maybe we were, but we sure don't want to admit it.
Fighting with the officer will get you nowhere. Most officers take notes of each incident on the back of their copy of the ticket to help them remember facts if you do decide to go to court. They will write down your state of mind and anything you say, so be very careful, you don't want to incriminate yourself before you even walk in the courtroom. So, the best thing you can do is be kind, polite and respectful. Maybe he will let you off with a warning. If you do get the ticket, you can go to court and fight it.
The first thing you need to do to fight your ticket is get a test done on your speedometer. You should find a shop that is reputable and has a machine called a dynamometer. This machine tests your speedometer to see if it is calibrated correctly. If it is off, they have the equipment to fix it, which you should do since you are presenting this information in court. Have the company issue you some type of official looking document that states that your speedometer was not calibrated correctly. They will probably note how much it was off by.
When you show up to court, you can present the judge with your paperwork. When you do this, several things can happen. The judge may look at the calibration test, see that you were not intentionally speeding, see that you fixed the problem and dismiss the charges. If you were speeding excessively above what the calibration test showed, the judge may lower the offense which will lower the fines. Lastly, the judge may adjust the charge to a defective equipment charge. This is usually known as a "fix it ticket". It just means that you have to fix the problem, which you already did, and pay a fine. The benefit of this is that is does not add points to your record and your insurance rates will not go up.