Scholarships for Courses in Engineering
- Check for scholarship opportunities with professional organizations that serve the branch of engineering you are studying. For example, the American Nuclear Society offers several undergraduate and graduate scholarships for students pursuing degrees in nuclear engineering or related plasma sciences. The American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) offers scholarships to students who pursuing engineering degrees related to refrigeration and cooling systems.
- Because women have traditionally been underrepresented in the field of engineering, some scholarships are limited to female applicants in order to encourage more of them to enter the field. Describing itself as the largest single source of engineering scholarships for women, the Society of Women Engineers (SWE) administers hundreds of scholarships that are available nationally as well as locally through individual chapters of the society. SWE scholarships are available for applicants at all levels of postsecondary study and for women students in all branches of engineering.
- Because minority groups have also been traditionally underrepresented in the field of engineering, some organizations, such as the National Action Council For Minorities in Engineering (NACME), provide scholarships for students who are members of ethnic minority groups like African Americans, Native Americans or Hispanic/Latino Americans. Other organizations offer scholarships only to students of a specific minority group, such as the National Society of Black Engineers.
- Some organizational scholarships are offered only to engineering students who are residents of the state or are attending school there. For instance, the Florida Engineering Society offers assistance to students who are enrolled in or graduating from Florida high schools.
Scholarships for Specific Disciplines
Scholarships for Women
Scholarships for Minorities
Scholarships by State