How to Graft American Persimmons
- 1). Select a rootstock -- a limb to which the scion will be attached -- that is at least 3/8 inch in diameter. Cut off the limb, leaving a stub at least 12 inches long.
- 2). Select a scion from the previous season's growth that is approximately the same diameter and length as the rootstock and has at least three buds.
- 3). Make a diagonal (toe) cut on the rootstock with one straight stroke of a knife that exposes 1 to 2 inches of wood.
- 4). Make a cut that extends vertically through the rootstock, beginning two-thirds of the way up the toe cut to create a "tongue."
- 5). Repeat Steps 3 and 4 on the scion. Make the toe cut so that the tops of buds will be facing upward once attached to the rootstock.
- 6). Place the scion onto the rootstock so that the tongues are interlocking. Ensure that the cambium layer -- a think layer of growth just under the bark -- of the scion is touching the cambium layer of the rootstock on at least one side.
- 7). Wrap the union with rubber tape or waxed yarn. Encase the entire union and bindings with grafting wax.
- 8). Wrap the graft in a plastic bag to maintain high humidity.