The Easter Promise
An Easter promise is GOD talking to us face to face.
He reminds us that His love goes beyond our mortality and the creation of the universe.
Oftentimes, we don't mind Him because we're busy with work and everyday affairs.
But GOD doesn't give up on us, and even highlights this Easter celebration like Christmas.
What is the role of the resurrected Jesus? Maybe to tell us that GOD is alive and all that happens in life is passing but worthy.
All the trials would bear wisdom leading to realizing Christ in our lives.
All happiness comes because of love and kindness.
All of the questions hanging on needn't be answered.
Jesus had never left.
If I could have these chances of testifying for GOD and his love - I have to do it well and follow only Christ.
I thank GOD for this grace and mercy.
Ten words for you that include the word "holy": Anything holy is coming from God.
Holy Communion is receiving of the Eucharist, and/or sharing in the Lord's supper.
The host and the wine are consecrated as flesh and blood in remembrance of Jesus Christ love for humanity.
Holy Cross The Holy Cross is the cross of Jesus.
Many meanings are attached to the Holy Cross, but in all the meaning it is God's love for all for eternity.
holy day of obligation Holy days of obligation are certain days of which Roman Catholics and or believers are required to attend mass.
Holy Family the art pictures of the Virgin Mary, St.
Joseph and Baby Jesus.
Holy Father is a title of the Pope; Check out on Pope Paul VI, Pope John Paul II, and Pope Benedict XVI.
Holy Ghost a third person of the Trinity; also called the Holy Spirit.
People must always seek wisdom from the Holy Spirit.
A good person can always have the power to make right decisions because the guidance of God stays in him/her.
holy of holies is the most sacred place; It is the inner shrine in the Jewish tabernacle and temple; the "sanctum sanctorum" 8.
Holy Scripture The Holy Scripture is the Holy Bible.
Holy Trinity means God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
holy water The holy water is water blessed by a priest.
It is also used to sprinkle on images, religious items, vestments, body, and during the mass.
Some say it has power to drive evil spirits.
Happy Easter! "Holy God, Holy mighty one, Holy immortal one, Have mercy on us and the whole world.
" (3X) Jesus, King of mercy, we trust in You!" Rose Flores - Martinez Ishallwrite Rosevoc2
He reminds us that His love goes beyond our mortality and the creation of the universe.
Oftentimes, we don't mind Him because we're busy with work and everyday affairs.
But GOD doesn't give up on us, and even highlights this Easter celebration like Christmas.
What is the role of the resurrected Jesus? Maybe to tell us that GOD is alive and all that happens in life is passing but worthy.
All the trials would bear wisdom leading to realizing Christ in our lives.
All happiness comes because of love and kindness.
All of the questions hanging on needn't be answered.
Jesus had never left.
If I could have these chances of testifying for GOD and his love - I have to do it well and follow only Christ.
I thank GOD for this grace and mercy.
Ten words for you that include the word "holy": Anything holy is coming from God.
Holy Communion is receiving of the Eucharist, and/or sharing in the Lord's supper.
The host and the wine are consecrated as flesh and blood in remembrance of Jesus Christ love for humanity.
Holy Cross The Holy Cross is the cross of Jesus.
Many meanings are attached to the Holy Cross, but in all the meaning it is God's love for all for eternity.
holy day of obligation Holy days of obligation are certain days of which Roman Catholics and or believers are required to attend mass.
Holy Family the art pictures of the Virgin Mary, St.
Joseph and Baby Jesus.
Holy Father is a title of the Pope; Check out on Pope Paul VI, Pope John Paul II, and Pope Benedict XVI.
Holy Ghost a third person of the Trinity; also called the Holy Spirit.
People must always seek wisdom from the Holy Spirit.
A good person can always have the power to make right decisions because the guidance of God stays in him/her.
holy of holies is the most sacred place; It is the inner shrine in the Jewish tabernacle and temple; the "sanctum sanctorum" 8.
Holy Scripture The Holy Scripture is the Holy Bible.
Holy Trinity means God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
holy water The holy water is water blessed by a priest.
It is also used to sprinkle on images, religious items, vestments, body, and during the mass.
Some say it has power to drive evil spirits.
Happy Easter! "Holy God, Holy mighty one, Holy immortal one, Have mercy on us and the whole world.
" (3X) Jesus, King of mercy, we trust in You!" Rose Flores - Martinez Ishallwrite Rosevoc2