Make Your Penis Size Increase - What"s The Most Effective Option For Adding Inches And Thickness?
My friend, take it from me, male enhancement is serious.
You don't need me to tell you that anything you do with your penis is like a sprain ankle...
it's not something to play with (I love that quote from Drake)! What you do with your manhood (positively or negatively) can affect it for life.
I played the role of a daredevil once before and tried out some of those unnatural methods (pills, tools, etc.
), and the only thing I gained was side-effects and pain! So, what's the safest, most natural, and most effective option for gaining extra inches, girth, and firmness to your penis erection? Well, science has proven that a man can increase their size through proper stimulation on the penile chambers.
This is obviously a huge plus since this also means that you don't have to resort to undergoing surgery (which is also another dangerous method).
The best way to provide proper stimulation to your penile chambers (corpora cavernosa, corpous spongiousm, and your puboccocygeus muscle) is by gently exercising your penis with your hands.
How does just using your hands effectively make the penis bigger? Well, the penile chambers and muscle reacts to stimulation similar to the muscles on your body.
When your body muscles are put to work via weight training and/or cardiovascular workouts, the cell tissues are broken down and then they regrow.
The same theory applies to exercising your penis with your hands.
Now, please understand that this won't work if you are using some type of device.
Only your hands can provide the precise pressure and stimulation your penis needs for proper development.
The benefits from exercising your manhood are a potential 1-4 inch increase with length, rock hard erections, intense ejaculate release, and extra thickness.
Besides the primary benefits, there are a few other's as well.
Those benefits are the quality of your sex life will improve, your confidence level increases, and you can improve the total health of your penis.
Bottom line? If you make sure you choose a program that is top of the line, and if you make sure you stick with it 100% consistently, then you could possibly reach your desired goals within 4-12 weeks (I reached my goal of 2 extra inches in 8 weeks)...