Fast Muscle Building - Amazing Tips That Can Give You Massive Muscle Growth Faster Than Ever!
Everyone wants results faster and often go to the gym with the mindset that they should do as many reps as they can and pound their muscles into submission.
This isn't how the most successful bodybuilders go about muscle building.
You need to be more intelligent with your workouts.
Here is some of the best advice for hard gainers looking to build muscle fast.
Never More Than 10 Reps! You really need to be looking to lift heavier weights, if you are reaching 11 reps it suggests the weights you are lifting are not challenging the muscle fibers.
Always choose your weights with the thought that the 11th rep is forbidden! You cannot expect to build muscle fast if you do not push yourself to the limits each set and every exercise.
Get into the mindset that you are waging war on your skinny genes and prepare to find your boundaries then smash through them.
To ensure you do this, do these exercises with a training partner.
Not only can you push each other but you also eliminate any safety issues.
Cut Your Workout Time The next step is to increase your work capacity.
Pushing yourself in the gym not only refers to the weights you lift but the time you take to complete your workout.
To build muscle faster you need to perform more work in less time.
Start this by performing your normal workout in less time, take shorter rests, and get to your next exercise quicker.
You will feel out of shape, but this important.
This is one of the best ways to increase muscle density and it will take your fitness to new levels.
Perform Just One Exercise Per Muscle Group Example: Today is chest day.
Your first exercise is bench press.
Set 1: 185 lbs Set 2: 205 lbs Set 3: 225 lbs Set 4: 245 lbs Remember, no more than 10 reps per set.
Assuming you are lifting the maximum weight you can for the number of reps, means that you are using the maximum number of muscle fibers.
You should always aim to outperform your last work out, this causes the muscles to experience an unknown stimulus, your body is forced to create new muscle in order to cope with future stimulus.
3-5 Sets Per Muscle Group - Never More Than This! You have to question those people who can spend 2 hours in the gym and hardly look worn out.
Muscle building is the same principle, if you are doing more than 3-5 sets per muscle group you're not working hard enough in those sets.
Effort levels per set (%) Set 1-2 = 85% maximal effort Set 3 = 95% maximal effort Set 4 (sometimes 5) = 100% maximal effort It is the last all out 100% maximal effort that really contributes the most to your muscle growth.
This is where the intelligent training kicks in.
You must understand that anything over the 5th set isn't being macho, if you go beyond this you are simply exhausting the muscles, this delays your recovery and ability to work those muscles again.
In the last set you should be trying to perform at least 1-2 extra reps than the last workout at that weight, not going over 10, once you can reach 10 reps, up the weight.
Or add 5 - 10 extra pounds during this final set.
This will really spark your muscles into growth.
Increase Your Strength by 5% Every 2 Weeks One of the most common mistakes hard gainers make is not tracking their progress.
They return to the gym week in week out and simply 'rehearse' the same workouts with little to no progress.
Your body and muscle fibers are designed to cope with stress.
Expose them to these stresses in the form of lifting heavier weights and your muscles will get bigger! It is simple but you would be surprised at how many hard gainers don't take this on board.
Start from now, your aim should be to increase your strength by a minimum of 5% every 2 weeks.
Larger muscle groups such as back and legs might progress quicker than smaller muscle groups; biceps and triceps.
Write down your strength goals and keep track of your progression.
Challenge: If you are deadlifting 135 lbs now, aim to be deadlifting 270 lbs over the next few months.
This isn't how the most successful bodybuilders go about muscle building.
You need to be more intelligent with your workouts.
Here is some of the best advice for hard gainers looking to build muscle fast.
Never More Than 10 Reps! You really need to be looking to lift heavier weights, if you are reaching 11 reps it suggests the weights you are lifting are not challenging the muscle fibers.
Always choose your weights with the thought that the 11th rep is forbidden! You cannot expect to build muscle fast if you do not push yourself to the limits each set and every exercise.
Get into the mindset that you are waging war on your skinny genes and prepare to find your boundaries then smash through them.
To ensure you do this, do these exercises with a training partner.
Not only can you push each other but you also eliminate any safety issues.
Cut Your Workout Time The next step is to increase your work capacity.
Pushing yourself in the gym not only refers to the weights you lift but the time you take to complete your workout.
To build muscle faster you need to perform more work in less time.
Start this by performing your normal workout in less time, take shorter rests, and get to your next exercise quicker.
You will feel out of shape, but this important.
This is one of the best ways to increase muscle density and it will take your fitness to new levels.
Perform Just One Exercise Per Muscle Group Example: Today is chest day.
Your first exercise is bench press.
Set 1: 185 lbs Set 2: 205 lbs Set 3: 225 lbs Set 4: 245 lbs Remember, no more than 10 reps per set.
Assuming you are lifting the maximum weight you can for the number of reps, means that you are using the maximum number of muscle fibers.
You should always aim to outperform your last work out, this causes the muscles to experience an unknown stimulus, your body is forced to create new muscle in order to cope with future stimulus.
3-5 Sets Per Muscle Group - Never More Than This! You have to question those people who can spend 2 hours in the gym and hardly look worn out.
Muscle building is the same principle, if you are doing more than 3-5 sets per muscle group you're not working hard enough in those sets.
Effort levels per set (%) Set 1-2 = 85% maximal effort Set 3 = 95% maximal effort Set 4 (sometimes 5) = 100% maximal effort It is the last all out 100% maximal effort that really contributes the most to your muscle growth.
This is where the intelligent training kicks in.
You must understand that anything over the 5th set isn't being macho, if you go beyond this you are simply exhausting the muscles, this delays your recovery and ability to work those muscles again.
In the last set you should be trying to perform at least 1-2 extra reps than the last workout at that weight, not going over 10, once you can reach 10 reps, up the weight.
Or add 5 - 10 extra pounds during this final set.
This will really spark your muscles into growth.
Increase Your Strength by 5% Every 2 Weeks One of the most common mistakes hard gainers make is not tracking their progress.
They return to the gym week in week out and simply 'rehearse' the same workouts with little to no progress.
Your body and muscle fibers are designed to cope with stress.
Expose them to these stresses in the form of lifting heavier weights and your muscles will get bigger! It is simple but you would be surprised at how many hard gainers don't take this on board.
Start from now, your aim should be to increase your strength by a minimum of 5% every 2 weeks.
Larger muscle groups such as back and legs might progress quicker than smaller muscle groups; biceps and triceps.
Write down your strength goals and keep track of your progression.
Challenge: If you are deadlifting 135 lbs now, aim to be deadlifting 270 lbs over the next few months.