Want To Get Rid Of Your Glasses? Find Out How Naturally
Adults not just children, have the misconception that somehow glasses will make them look intelligent. It is all a state of mind. Building a child's confidence, constant reassurance and being positive can go along way towards getting rid of the negative and destructive self image they may have of themselves. Constant reinforcement of negative issues relating to their weight, their glasses, their overall appearance etc., will only destroy what is an already delicate image for a child. As a parent would you like to help your child get rid of their glasses naturally?
Not only is there the emotional costs involved, there is also the monetary costs as well, which over a persons lifetime of wearing glasses and/or contact lenses, can add up to a considerable amount of money.
How to get rid of glassesis a question you might have been asking yourself. Instead of just going down the route of contact lenses or even laser eye surgery there are many natural ways that can be implemented to avoid having to wear glasses. They say your results of today are from your actions of yesterday. It should be remembered that this also applies to your habits, good or bad and that bad habits as we all know, die hard.
Contact lenses are a classic example as they unfortunately teach you bad habits for they make your eyes lazy and in the process your eyes can begin to work incorrectly. Dependence on them will only keep your eyes from healing themselves.
Give your eyes a mental memory exercise the goal being to look at an object for as long as possible which is a great way to test the condition of your eyes.
1. Firstly cover one eye and look quickly at a letter on a page with the other eye.
2. Then close your eyes and see how long you can hold the image of the letter in your thoughts for as long as possible.
3. Try to mentally count how long that image stays in your mind before it fades away. Remember the number.
4. Now do the same with the other eye and compare the numbers, then relax your eyes by closing them and simply think of pleasant thoughts and memories – it may sound simple but it is a very effective exercise.
5. Do the above exercise again and compare numbers, hopefully the image should have stayed longer in your thoughts this time round.
Focusing on positive events will help keep the mind relaxed and the eyes free of strain.
Put simply, vision affects memory yet in order to remember we need to be able to first see the image. The more clearly we see the image the more detail we will be able to remember later on.
Simple things such as ensuring you have adequate light especially during long hours of work where you most likely may be focusing harder and putting extra strain on your eyes, as well as taking regular breaks from your computer screen at work. Also, try and make sure you get at least eight hours of sleep each night, all of which will give your eyes time to rest. Remember these are all natural ways to correct vision.