Licensing A Photo - Understand the Basics
It is the photographer who creates the photos that own the copyright (unless otherwise negotiated between the photographer as employee and the studio owner as employer and in similar circumstances).
But basically photographer who creates that piece of art owns the copyright.
Intellectual Property Right Please take a moment to consider this.
Photographer must use his skill, experience and artistic side of his brain to produce that so-so masterpiece.
All of those relevant contributing factors are subjective and deeply ingrained in the individual.
No matter how instant he presses the shutter.
Okay, people might think taking picture is that simple.
Just press the shutter and the camera will do the rest.
And the basics could be learnt from books, internet, etc.
So, if somebody agrees with this, why don't give yourself a chance? And see the result.
Photos are in the same domain with other intellectual property rights genre such as software, song, painting, book and so on.
No matter who is the photographer, professional or amateur.
Note: photographer may transfer his copyright or decide to deliberately neglecting his/her rights.
License, not Buy As the consequence, the correct term is "license", not "buy" photo.
User license the right to use the photo from the photographer.
The photographer grants the rights to user to use the photo.
Usage Specific As the photographer retains the copyright of his/her photo, photo user only has the right to use the photo for a specific usage.
For instance, photographer grants the right to use the photo for cover of a book, or a magazine.
When that same publisher needs to use that same photo as an illustration of a text book, he will need to pay again for the rights (unless they "bought" an unlimited right before).
They will pay again when the book is re-printed or when the photo is used in the second edition.
Why? When that book is re-printed, the publisher pay the printers again, don't they? Why? They provide benefit.
So why do they leave the photographer? The book enjoy the benefit of the photo.
It is the same idea when you need the same software for your other computer.
You have to buy the license again.
Why We Buy? We are living in the 21st century now.
We are in the era of information, era of subtlety.
Previously we buy hard products.
We buy food.
We buy clothing.
We buy real estate.
Then in the last century we begin to buy services.
And now we buy brand.
We buy life style.
We buy experience.
We buy security.
We buy rights.
All are intangible.
But they exist.
And we benefit from them.
Yes there are people who sell royalty-free photos.
Just like other things, it is other form of doing business.
Likewise, people also give software for free.
Design web site for free.
But when you need quality stuff, would you get it from a free source? When it is crucial for you, would you obtain it from a quality source that could provide you quality stuff, reliable service, or would you get it from a free source? The answer is it depends how important is the stuff for you.