Knowing your automatic pool cleaners inside out
Ever since the very first pool cleaner hit the market back in the 70's, pool owners were quite contented to welcome a worthy member to their family. However, pool cleaners of yester years were notoriously associated with grave mechanical problems. Not only did units break down pretty quick, but availability of scare parts came at premium. Fortunately over time, the average pool cleaner got smarter with every passing day. Currently, the latest brand of automatic pool cleaners can pretty clean up big pools under an hour. Besides, they relatively easy to maintain and most crucially have excellent availability of aftermarket parts.
However, even with all the frills of technology and mechanical reliability included within cleaners, pool owners do need to closely asses their requirements before they can make the ultimate purchase. With the pool cleaner market steadily expanding it does make it slightly tricky for owners to get their choice spot on among the thousands that are out there. Sometime the best way to adjudge automatic is to look into private requirements. Although factors such as build quality, availability of features, cost and technologies do play an active role, but you still got to look into your cleaning requirements first to make the right call.
Many don't realize the fact that pool sizes varying even in 5feet of length will require varied cleaning methods. To help matters, popular manufacturers look to promote their automatic pool cleaners in accordance to pool sizes first. As owners, its key towards reading upon promotional details closely as you could easily end up with a bigger pool cleaner when a smaller cleaner would have completed the job with prior ease. Interestingly, another key facet that certainly needs to be taken into the reckoning is the aspect of attachable fittings.
Some of the modern automatic pool cleaners can be customized right from their hoses to their diaphragm structure. Understanding the need of such clever modifications can come in handy especially when pool owners have multiple pools to keep clean, but don't have the budget to buy two separate cleaners. Such attachments can also come in use whilst performing specialist pool cleaning jobs. What's more, most aftermarket parts tend to be highly flexible whilst bestowing maximum compatibility. Featured add-ons such as the Leaf Catcher, Diaphragm replacer, disc replacement units and internal coolers can be hugely handy under daily usage conditions. Besides, they are also robust enough to be stressed for long durations.
However, even with all the frills of technology and mechanical reliability included within cleaners, pool owners do need to closely asses their requirements before they can make the ultimate purchase. With the pool cleaner market steadily expanding it does make it slightly tricky for owners to get their choice spot on among the thousands that are out there. Sometime the best way to adjudge automatic is to look into private requirements. Although factors such as build quality, availability of features, cost and technologies do play an active role, but you still got to look into your cleaning requirements first to make the right call.
Many don't realize the fact that pool sizes varying even in 5feet of length will require varied cleaning methods. To help matters, popular manufacturers look to promote their automatic pool cleaners in accordance to pool sizes first. As owners, its key towards reading upon promotional details closely as you could easily end up with a bigger pool cleaner when a smaller cleaner would have completed the job with prior ease. Interestingly, another key facet that certainly needs to be taken into the reckoning is the aspect of attachable fittings.
Some of the modern automatic pool cleaners can be customized right from their hoses to their diaphragm structure. Understanding the need of such clever modifications can come in handy especially when pool owners have multiple pools to keep clean, but don't have the budget to buy two separate cleaners. Such attachments can also come in use whilst performing specialist pool cleaning jobs. What's more, most aftermarket parts tend to be highly flexible whilst bestowing maximum compatibility. Featured add-ons such as the Leaf Catcher, Diaphragm replacer, disc replacement units and internal coolers can be hugely handy under daily usage conditions. Besides, they are also robust enough to be stressed for long durations.