How a Good Web Design Leicester Company Can Help Drive Up Conversion Rates
Use a Web Design Leicester Company to Create a Site that Converts
Quality web design Leicester specialists know a site has to do more than simply look pretty to succeed. It's no use spending money on search engine optimisation (SEO), or any other form of advertising designed to attract visitors, if the site is fundamentally badly designed and doesn't function correctly. The websites of most companies have one primary aim. This is usually to get users to buy a product, service, or register interest by signing up to a mailing list. Web design plays a huge role in how effective a site is at encouraging visitors to complete the action the company wants – or to 'convert'.
Building a Website that Converts
In many ways, it's more important to have an effective website - with a high conversion rate - than it is to have high numbers of visitors. Having a well-designed website means less money needs to be spent on advertising and site promotion, as the visitors the website does have are far more likely to convert. Bad design can manifest itself in many ways. Whether it's ineffective calls to action, a lack of navigational links, or pages that crash just before users manage to submit completed forms. Issues like these can cause conversion rates to plummet. Usually, there is only one chance to capture an individual. If the site doesn't work - or is too much effort to navigate – the user will simply hit the 'back' key, and look elsewhere.
Techniques Used by Web Design Leicester Companies
A good web design company can improve conversion rates using a number of techniques. Simply making the pages more user friendly is the one of the best ways to do this. Another common technique, that can yield very impressive results, is 'split testing'. To put it simply, this involves creating two subtly different versions of the same page. The website can then be set to direct 50% of visitors to one page, and the rest to the other. This scenario creates an easy way to compare two versions of the same page, and monitor which has the highest conversion rate. The most effective page can then be used on the website. This process can be repeated infinitely to refine a website, and create a site that has consistently high conversion rates. A web design Leicester company can help any business increase the effectiveness of their site.
Quality web design Leicester specialists know a site has to do more than simply look pretty to succeed. It's no use spending money on search engine optimisation (SEO), or any other form of advertising designed to attract visitors, if the site is fundamentally badly designed and doesn't function correctly. The websites of most companies have one primary aim. This is usually to get users to buy a product, service, or register interest by signing up to a mailing list. Web design plays a huge role in how effective a site is at encouraging visitors to complete the action the company wants – or to 'convert'.
Building a Website that Converts
In many ways, it's more important to have an effective website - with a high conversion rate - than it is to have high numbers of visitors. Having a well-designed website means less money needs to be spent on advertising and site promotion, as the visitors the website does have are far more likely to convert. Bad design can manifest itself in many ways. Whether it's ineffective calls to action, a lack of navigational links, or pages that crash just before users manage to submit completed forms. Issues like these can cause conversion rates to plummet. Usually, there is only one chance to capture an individual. If the site doesn't work - or is too much effort to navigate – the user will simply hit the 'back' key, and look elsewhere.
Techniques Used by Web Design Leicester Companies
A good web design company can improve conversion rates using a number of techniques. Simply making the pages more user friendly is the one of the best ways to do this. Another common technique, that can yield very impressive results, is 'split testing'. To put it simply, this involves creating two subtly different versions of the same page. The website can then be set to direct 50% of visitors to one page, and the rest to the other. This scenario creates an easy way to compare two versions of the same page, and monitor which has the highest conversion rate. The most effective page can then be used on the website. This process can be repeated infinitely to refine a website, and create a site that has consistently high conversion rates. A web design Leicester company can help any business increase the effectiveness of their site.