High Blood Pressure and the Drug Problem
We are constantly being told of how we live affects our bodies.
"You are what you eat," "The mind-body connection," "Exercise vs sedentary lifestyle," etc.
And then there is blood pressure and the drug problem.
Drugs that are prescribed by a physician, although often with their own side effects, are monitored by the physician.
So there is a balanced damage limitation.
Drugs taken without informed supervision, without guidance, will almost certainly target your blood pressure and this is when things get dangerous.
Finding out how this happens and how vital healthy blood pressure is to your quality of life is wise.
Having high blood pressure weakens your system, leaving you exposed to a number of other health problems.
Injuries take much longer to heal and you may not fully recover following a bout of illness.
Basically, you will have lost your ability to bounce back.
It lowers your chances of a happy healthy life so high blood pressure is well worth avoiding.
Here are some pointers in that direction.
Get your body moving.
Exercise your body as it is designed to be exercised.
The more you do this the better.
Get your heart working hard, over a prolonged period, every second day.
Every single day is even better.
This keeps your heart in good form and chances are you will not develop high blood pressure so easily.
Diet plays a big part too.
Avoid those high fat cholesterol laden foods and choose from the range of delicious healthy foods available.
You are now off to a good start.
However, all of that can be undone by using drugs.
These drugs get you high by first entering your blood system.
Once there, in your blood system, the drug damages all your organs as they are dependent on blood for nourishment.
And not only your vital organs, every part of your body is nourished by the blood supply and if that supply is compromised or toxic, your body gets harmed all over.
Over and above that, however, doing drugs raises the blood pressure.
Give thought to what you do with your body and what you put into it.
The high you get from doing drugs has a high price.
Damaged organs make a sick body that does not get better and will probably cause you to die earlier than your allotted life span would have it.
Become aware of the connection between blood pressure and drug problem to avoid any damage you may be causing yourself.
Treat your body with kindness and respect.
Give it thought and it will reward you by giving you the quality of life you are entitled to have.
"You are what you eat," "The mind-body connection," "Exercise vs sedentary lifestyle," etc.
And then there is blood pressure and the drug problem.
Drugs that are prescribed by a physician, although often with their own side effects, are monitored by the physician.
So there is a balanced damage limitation.
Drugs taken without informed supervision, without guidance, will almost certainly target your blood pressure and this is when things get dangerous.
Finding out how this happens and how vital healthy blood pressure is to your quality of life is wise.
Having high blood pressure weakens your system, leaving you exposed to a number of other health problems.
Injuries take much longer to heal and you may not fully recover following a bout of illness.
Basically, you will have lost your ability to bounce back.
It lowers your chances of a happy healthy life so high blood pressure is well worth avoiding.
Here are some pointers in that direction.
Get your body moving.
Exercise your body as it is designed to be exercised.
The more you do this the better.
Get your heart working hard, over a prolonged period, every second day.
Every single day is even better.
This keeps your heart in good form and chances are you will not develop high blood pressure so easily.
Diet plays a big part too.
Avoid those high fat cholesterol laden foods and choose from the range of delicious healthy foods available.
You are now off to a good start.
However, all of that can be undone by using drugs.
These drugs get you high by first entering your blood system.
Once there, in your blood system, the drug damages all your organs as they are dependent on blood for nourishment.
And not only your vital organs, every part of your body is nourished by the blood supply and if that supply is compromised or toxic, your body gets harmed all over.
Over and above that, however, doing drugs raises the blood pressure.
Give thought to what you do with your body and what you put into it.
The high you get from doing drugs has a high price.
Damaged organs make a sick body that does not get better and will probably cause you to die earlier than your allotted life span would have it.
Become aware of the connection between blood pressure and drug problem to avoid any damage you may be causing yourself.
Treat your body with kindness and respect.
Give it thought and it will reward you by giving you the quality of life you are entitled to have.