How To Prepare For Your Wedding Day Wedding Photography And Video
Let's start with the three months before the wedding, we are talking about really Picture Perfect Day radiant skin, before scheduling appointments, manicures and pedicures. Three months before the wedding, the bride and her entire wedding party should visit the nearest makeup counter and skin care consultation for a complete skin care regiment, each member of the wedding party. You have three months of skin care products that you can have time to work. Use a scrub as a major step and flawless skin foundation. Do not use a new soap, cleaners, toners, masks, or just before the wedding. Your skin can become inflamed, or you may have an allergic reaction.
Have a good sleep the night before the wedding by going to bed early. It is important not to drink too much alcohol rehearsal dinner (if it is the night before the wedding). Also, do not consume any coffee, tea or chocolate caffeine can disrupt your sleep. Be sure to eat a good breakfast. If you forget to eat, you may feel sleepy, plus eating early will give the food to settle. If jitters curb your appetite, try something light, like a muffin, toast or fruit. And have protein snacks, nuts or yogurt to eat during the day.
Preparing for the wedding day requires good preparation, ask your hairdresser if you should shampoo the night before or on the day, and it depends on the hair type and style. Allow yourself plenty of time so you have time to relax with your favorite scented bath soaps, gels, and oils such as lavender, chamomile, orange, or peppermint. It is best to do it all in style and primping before you slip into your dress, except for the final touches, such as the lips. Wear a button down shirt, so you will not ruin your hairstyle or make-up pulling a shirt over his head when it came time to get to your wedding attire. Be sure to bring your retainer with you if we require the stylist to work in the hair, as well as providing all your makeup you use. Arrange for manicure and pedicure the day before, so that you do not have to worry about wet nails.
Put your shoes before your dress - it can be difficult to find their feet frills and layers of bars, and it will be easier to fasten and adjust your dress, if it is draped in the proper distance from the floor. Keeping your dress with a bodice decorated filling in place and covered with a white sheet and then when you're ready to put it to. Press any wrinkles with a cool, dry iron, using a white cloth urgent, you should use only the dress, which is made of tulle steamer.
During the wedding day emergency kit on hand, including aspirin, needle and thread, safety pins, glue, scissors, double-sided tape, socks, nail polish and make a set. That child must be the same as that used for your make-up artist. There is another important aspect of water, what is the idea. It will save you a lot of embarrassment when you get that emotional tears your face make-up too.
're Going to be putting the final touches ready for at least two hours before the wedding ceremony, if not more, especially if you take the official photographs. It is very important that by the time your hair and the base is done. Even with perfect facial features and skin, the bride does not want to see a picture of themselves to make up, of course, there are exceptions. So far we are talking about make-up and how to prepare before the wedding day and during the wedding day, or at least talk about the most important aspects. You may ask why the wedding photographer to discuss this issue.
Most of our wedding photography and video consultation, the couple is aware of all of the information that is available online and in books, talking about how their wedding day the bride must prepare for it. We convince through experience that it's not just about wedding photography, but about the bride having fun, entertaining and completely one of a kind experience of a life time. We are there to document it.
Excellent wedding photographer makes sure to get the bride, groom and their family trust. So, we have to convince our wedding couples that we know, and we will do what on the wedding day means that we hope to capture all the details, emotions, reflections, and the bride and groom's relationship with his family and friends during their wedding day.
Portrait, wedding photography and video has been a passion Andreas Katsouris over the past 22 years. As a professional photographer, it is always improved his method with new and updated applied over many years.