Article Marketing - A Way To Increase Your Sales
If you want to increase sales in your internet business you can do it through article marketing. However, lots of people think that article marketing is all about writing sales letters to promote the products they are trying to sell. Wrong! It may have been about selling a few years back. But, now the market place has changed.
Using article marketing as a tool is, now, all about getting a list of prospects. Managing to get people who are interested in specific subjects to sign up to your mailing list. It is all about having a relationship with these people who are interested in the market you are in. It is not all about selling, selling, selling. If you have a relationship with them you will know what they want and you can then make it easier for them to get what they want. If you have their trust, they are going to buy a product that they want, if you say it is good. And why not buy it from you.
So, you need to use article marketing as a way to get trust from the public by writing about your subject/market. The trust comes through them believing that you are an expert that will save them some research time. Having many good quality articles in the search engines will get your name noticed.
Your article needs to send your readers to a so called squeeze page which has only one purpose. The purpose is to build a list. It can be a blog page with a sign in box. Nevertheless, they will not sign up for nothing, will they? They need something in return. This could be an e-course on the subject of the article, an e-book you have written or bought the rights to, or a report/review on a product in your market. It is best to give these away for free because the list you build from this will be prospects that are very interested in the market place you are writing about.
And once you have your list, you have motivated buyers that you can build a relationship with. You see, people buy from people, and even in this cyber space world they still like to feel they are interacting with a person, not a machine. 90% of these subscribers will open the emails that you send them because they want to hear what you have to say!
When writing your article talk to the readers. From the very beginning you can start to build trust. Imagine you are talking to your friend about something you are passionate about. How would you tell the? Exactly! And that is how you should talk to your readers. However, make sure your grammar and spelling is correct. You will not sound like you know much if you can't write properly.
Copyright (c) 2010 Kat Drew
Using article marketing as a tool is, now, all about getting a list of prospects. Managing to get people who are interested in specific subjects to sign up to your mailing list. It is all about having a relationship with these people who are interested in the market you are in. It is not all about selling, selling, selling. If you have a relationship with them you will know what they want and you can then make it easier for them to get what they want. If you have their trust, they are going to buy a product that they want, if you say it is good. And why not buy it from you.
So, you need to use article marketing as a way to get trust from the public by writing about your subject/market. The trust comes through them believing that you are an expert that will save them some research time. Having many good quality articles in the search engines will get your name noticed.
Your article needs to send your readers to a so called squeeze page which has only one purpose. The purpose is to build a list. It can be a blog page with a sign in box. Nevertheless, they will not sign up for nothing, will they? They need something in return. This could be an e-course on the subject of the article, an e-book you have written or bought the rights to, or a report/review on a product in your market. It is best to give these away for free because the list you build from this will be prospects that are very interested in the market place you are writing about.
And once you have your list, you have motivated buyers that you can build a relationship with. You see, people buy from people, and even in this cyber space world they still like to feel they are interacting with a person, not a machine. 90% of these subscribers will open the emails that you send them because they want to hear what you have to say!
When writing your article talk to the readers. From the very beginning you can start to build trust. Imagine you are talking to your friend about something you are passionate about. How would you tell the? Exactly! And that is how you should talk to your readers. However, make sure your grammar and spelling is correct. You will not sound like you know much if you can't write properly.
Copyright (c) 2010 Kat Drew